TOBB Board Member and Vice President Yavuz called for ‘Increase the productivity in agriculture’



Speaking at the conference “ Wheat, Licensed Warehousing and Futures” organized by Turkish Flour Producers Federation in cooperation with Ukraine Agricultural markets Research Institution (APK-INFORM); TOBB Board member and Vice President Faik Yavuz said that in the last eight years World income increased 30% but the food prices increased 200 %. ​

  Yavuz said that “Agricultural sector became a global sector just like the energy sector, in the coming years; the developments in the agricultural markets will become more important than the energy policies. Because diminishing energy resources can be compensated by other energy resources, but it is not possible to replace any agricultural product with alternative food resource. The alternative of agriculture needs to be agriculture. A single country’s limiting wheat exports can cause turmoil in the markets, we experienced this.” Yavuz indicated that there is the need to establish healthy product markets, this is a profitable sector but it is getting extremely important to manage the supply and  demand  balance. In  their  speeches, TMO   Chairman of the Board  and Director General Mesut Köse and  APK-INFORM  Director Svetlana Sinkovskaya also mentioned important  issues  such as increase in the prices of wheat, sustainable agriculture, effects of climate change and the  need to deal with uncertainties and  risks.

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