“I wish good holidays with peace and love in unity and solidarity”


20.08.2018 Ankara

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, who published a message on the Feast of Sacrifice, stating that holidays are very special days, with love, brotherhood and sharing coming to the fore.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu’s statement is as follows:

“We are once again experiencing the joy of celebrating the blessed Feast of Sacrifice. Holidays, which are the most beautiful occasion to engender the feelings of solidarity and brotherhood are the celebration of the belief that goodness will overcome wickedness, peace will overcome war, truths will overcome falsehoods and love will overcome hatred.

As a society which has adopted the mantra that, ‘the most beneficent of men is those who are beneficent unto others,’ we must always be aware of the beauty and cohesion brought about by cooperation and solidarity.

That which makes societies strong are the bonds bring their members together. It is undoubtedly tolerance, sharing in sorrow and joy, and never giving up loving each other which render these bonds robust.

The Feast of Sacrifice speaks of sharing, fraternity, solidarity. There is love and peace at its core. Our greatest wealth is our love.

With these feelings and thoughts, on behalf of the Turkish business world, I celebrate the Feast of Sacrifice of our nation and the whole Islamic world; May we experience many holidays filled with peace and love through unity and solidarity.”

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