“As Turkish business world, we can contribute to Palestine with industrial zones”


04.09.2018 Ankara

Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that they see the Palestinian issue as a matter of interest for Turkey as the Turkish business community, “We see eye to eye. We deeply feel your pain.”

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu met with Palestinian National Economy Minister Abeer Odeh and his delegation for a business dinner.

In his speech at the dinner, Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined that they are not a political organization and said, “What can we contribute to our Palestinian brothers as the business community? We can contribute to our Palestinian brothers with the biggest experience of the Turkish business world and industrial zones, a project that is an exemplary world-wide project. One of the biggest tools in Turkey's industrialization process have been industrial zones. If Turkey has become an industrial giant between Italy was China, this is the reason.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that, in terms of industrial zones in the research conducted annually by the Financial Times, Turkey ranks first.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they can minimize the tasks of the public sector with industrial zones and that they implement a single window system. Pointing out that the whole issue is to remove the obstacles before the investor and not to deal with the bureaucracy, the TOBB President said, “This is a work regarded by all investors in the world. World Bank's Ease-of-Business reports are a competition to analyze least bureaucratic obstacles to business in countries. If you are at the forefront, the World Bank says you can invest here. Industrial zone management shoulders risk. The industrialist does not need to deal with anyone.”

Stressing that they want to transfer this experience to Palestine, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We are building the infrastructure. We deliver the land to the industrialist. Even in Palestine, we are thinking about building and assigning some industrial facilities to them. Especially for people who are afraid to come to Palestine for fear of coming. What is requested here? The investor does not want to deal with the state bureaucracy. Here, we are dealing with industrial zone management.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the industrial zone model implemented in Turkey has been transferred to many countries and they want Palestine to also benefit from this.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that one of the things to overcome unemployment is the establishment of industrial zones. “This will be our contribution we have made as a Muslim Palestinian citizens of the Republic of Turkey as a brother. "

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that attracting investors from Turkey and around the world to Palestine would facilitate a solution to the political issue: “In this context, business communities are one of the factors that facilitate a political solution in Palestine. If we can make a contribution in this context, we are happy. We always support you, our help will be on your side.”

- Minister Abeer Odeh

Palestinian Authority Minister of National Economy Abeer Odeh said new agreements will be signed with Turkey at the latest next week. Palestinian Minister stated that youth unemployment rate reaching 50% is a humanitarian disaster. Odeh said, “We welcome Turkey's investments to be made in Jenin.”

Odeh said they are making Palestinian laws suitable for international investments.

- In the case of Jerusalem, TOBB’s stance has always been open and clear

TOBB Board of Directors Treasurer Faik Yavuz stated that the case of Jerusalem was a test of humanity and stated that TOBB always had a clear and concise attitude, and that the United States' decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem was also protested.

Stating that they want an economically strong Palestine, Yavuz said, “We know that the Palestinian people, whose economy is advanced and has exceeded the problem of employment and education, will continue its struggle in a much stronger way.”

Faik Yavuz stated that they will support the strengthening of the Palestinian business world and that they have started work on the Jerusalem Arbitration Center.

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