Joint meeting of the real and financial sectors


17.10.2018 İstanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Banks Association of Turkey (TBB) Board of Directors held a joint meeting. The meeting at TOBB's Istanbul Service Building was held under the chairmanship of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and TBB President Hüseyin Aydın. Recent developments in international markets and in Turkey's economy, the latest situation in the money and capital markets, the recommendations of the corporate and financial sectors and expectations were evaluated at the meeting of the real sector and the financial sector with participation of the highest level representatives of both sectors.

During the meeting in which the issues on the agendas of the real sector and financial sector were discussed in detail, keeping channels of credit open by the Banks Association of Turkey, maintaining sensible approach to maturity and pricing engagements, advisory decisions regarding on credit structuring issues, restructuring practices end and the SME Support Credit Project as well as the concordat application implemented at the end of September were discussed.

Evaluating the meeting, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “With the meeting we held today, we aimed to strengthen the dialogue mechanisms between the real sector and the finance sector. we discuss how we can solve various access to finance problems reflected to the public in accordance with the interests of Turkey and the Turkish private sector. In this period, when SMEs form the backbone of the economy, we believe that the real sector and the financial sector will act together with the awareness that they are all on the same boat in order to ensure brisk and stable growth.”

TBB President Aydın pointed out the following points, “The banking sector, which takes its power from the economy, is striving to maintain economic activity without interruption. We believe that recovery will be quick in line with the objectives and practices of the New Economic Program. We will continue to contribute to the financing, balancing, targeted transformation and recovery of production, investment, export and trade. As in the past, we will overcome difficult times through cooperation between the real and finance sector, open communication and constructive understanding. While the ratio of loans to national income was 15% in 2002, it reached 70% in the first half of 2018. This ratio will continue to increase in the coming years.”

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