Regional products come together in Antalya


24.10.2018 Antalya

Speaking at the 9th Regional Products Fair (YÖREX) held in Antalya, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said that 40% of the geographically marked products are registered by the Chambers-Exchanges. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “A geographical mark means wealth. If you want to be rich, take care of them and brand them.”

Regional Products Fair (YÖREX), which was hosted by Antalya Commodity Exchange, saw representation with stands of the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of TOBB. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Register the geographically marked products in your city. Thankfully, 40% of the geographically marked products were registered by our Chamber-Exchange. The number of products registered by our Chambers has exceeded 150.”

- Congratulations to chambers which have registered goods in Europe

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that work does not end with domestic registration and pointed out that the important thing is to achieve registration abroad and to enter foreign markets. Stating that the 3 products registered in Europe so far are the Gaziantep Baklava, Aydın Grapes and Malatya Apricots, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I congratulate Gaziantep Chamber of Industry, Aydın Chamber of Commerce and Malatya Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We also work for the registration of our other products in the EU. We need to increase the production, trade, consumption and control of geographically marked products. Our Ministry of Commerce has provided 1% shelf allocation for regional products. However, in this arrangement, we see the use of geographically marked products. We need to ensure that the geographically marked products take the place they deserve on the shelves of the retail sector.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, especially thanking women entrepreneurs for taking ownership of geographically marked products at the end of his speech, said, “I am proud of them because of their excitement and vision. As TOBB, we will continue to provide all kinds of support to geographically marked products. I congratulate everyone who worked hard for YÖREX.”

- Other speakers

President of Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority (TURKPATENT) Dr. Habip Asan also stated that they are protecting the cultural and historical values ​​of the country with geographical markers that guarantee a certain quality and traditional authenticity.

Antalya Governor Münir Karaloğlu highlighted the great contribution of YÖREX in the immense strides in the development of packaging, marketing, branding, exports of regional products.

Antalya Mayor Menderes Türel also drew attention to Turkey's agricultural potential, production culture, geographical structure as well as it being the richest country in the world in terms of traditional and regional products with cultural diversity.

Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Davut Çetin reported that in just a few years, the number of geographical marks are nearing 800.

Stating that brands, patents and geographical signs are the title deeds of our era, Çetin said, “We are transitioning to a digital economy and intellectual property laws are of vital importance in a digital economy.”

Antalya Commodity Exchange President Ali Çandır stated that YÖRREX aims to take ownership of and to protect regional and traditional values forgotten by the wayside.

After the speeches, Hisarcıklıoğlu, Asan and their retinue visited the stands, tasted the products that were offered to them and received information about production.

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