Real sector and financial sector meeting in Diyarbakır


29.11.2018 Diyarbakır

Representatives of the real sector and the financial sector came together for consultation in Diyarbakir. Prior to the meeting, Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the Turkey Banks Union (TBB) Chairman Hüseyin Aydın said these two main sectors have met to better understand the problems of each other and to discuss their solutions, stressing that they will overcome this troublesome period together.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that these meetings are a first in that they have met with the chamber and exchange presidents of 13 provinces as well as high level executives of banks. Stating that they appreciate the fact that the banks have entered the field to listen to the troubles of the real sector, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I would like to thank Turkey Banks Union Chairman Hüseyin Aydın for pioneering this process as well as all the banks.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the real sector and the banking sector would better understand each other and find solutions in these meetings. Stating that both sectors need to be strengthened, the TOBB President stated that they have forwarded the proposals to the government and will continue to communicate.

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that it is of vital importance that access to finances are kept open to the real sector and SMEs, “Recent developments in the economy have been significant. However, the revival in the economy is not yet at the desired point. We forward the suggestions from our chambers and exchanges to our government. Tax deduction was introduced in 4 sectors. Thus, our government took the first step in the real sector. Afterwards, short working allowance was activated. Yesterday extension for tax debts was introduced for eligible taxpayers of good record who were having trouble making payments.

We believe that this turbulent period is temporary. We believe that Turkey has a solid foundation. Over the past 25 years, we have overcome many crises. We've overcome them all, we will overcome this as well.”

TBB President Hüseyin Aydın pointed out the importance of the cooperation between the real sector and the financial sector and said that they had the opportunity to listen and understand each other in this platform organized with the contributions of TOBB.

Stating that the main concern is Turkey's growth Aydın emphasized that they will overcome difficulties together.

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