TOBB’s Support to healing the wounds of Bosnia


19.02.2011 Bosna-Hersek Saraybosna

Kosevo Hospital Spinal Cord Center which will remedy  people who became disabled after the war was opened with a ceremony. The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) made a 900.000 euro donation for the hospital. The President of TOBB M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu expressed that after mournful and difficult days, children who have a problem with their spine and vertebral column were not treated. He also said that, “this hospital will train the best orthopaedists in the region.”

Kosevo Hospital Spinal Cord Center in Bosnia  was opened with a ceremony which The President of TOBB M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu, Government Minister Faruk Çelik and Prime Minister of Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina  participated in. Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton Fikret Music, Health Minister of Sarajevo Canton Zlatko Vukovic, Head Doctor of  Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital Prof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoglu, doctors who work in the hospital and guests also were in the ceremony.

The President of TOBB Mr. Hisarciklioglu highlighted in his speech that, the spinal cord center will serve people without any discrimination. People from Bosnia, Crotia, Serbia, every nation and every religion will be treated in this hospital.


Mr. Rifat Hisarciklioglu said that: “ Sarajevo Medical Faculty Hospital Spinal Cord Center has the most modern equipments in the Balkans thanks to new devices. I am honored to contribute to this development. I believe that the hospital will be the most technological medical center in the Balkans.”


Mr. Hisarciklioglu stated that there are historic, cultural and humanistic ties between two countries  and emphasized that Bosnia Herzegovina has a special place for Turkey. He also said that “ Turkey had supported Bosnia Herzegovina’s territorial integrity and independency and it will continue to support it always.”
The Region will be the address of prosperity by more investment


Mr. Hisarciklioglu reminded participants that Turkish- Bosnia Herzegovina Business Council came to operate in 1995 before signing of the Dayton Agreement.


Mr. Hisarciklioglu said that “All together we will make the region an address of prosperity and peace by  trade and investment.” He also notified that Bosnia is not mentioned with tears and sorrow anymore, it is mentioned with its energy infrastructure, health investment, tourism and commercial success. He added that  Bosnia Herzegovina will take a place in EU and NATO in a short time.


Finally, Mr. Hisarciklioglu completed his speech by thanking to contributors in the establishment and coordination of spine surgery center.
Government Minister Faruk Çelik
Government Minister Faruk Çelik mentioned that Turkey’s biggest Non- governmental organization (NGO) TOBB and TIKA’s cooperation met a great need in the region. He also said that spine surgery center will service to all region and thanked to TOBB for its contribution.


After the ceremony, Mr. Çelik and Mr. Hisarciklioglu were taken a photo with the children who had an operation in the spine surgery center.


Thanks from Hamzaoglu to contributors 


Director of Florence Nighthingale Hospital Spine Surgery Center Prof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoglu thanked to all contributors while he was giving information about the development of the project.


Director of the Spinal Cord Center in Bosnia Dr. Mirza Biscevic highlighted that every kind of surgery can be operated in this hospital.


Bosnian officials thanked all contributors especially  Minister Çelik and Mr. Hisarciklioglu and gifted a picture which sembolizes Bosnia.


The biggest contribution by the Turkish Private sector to Bosnia Herzegovina


TOBB contributed 900.000 euro to hospital which was the biggest.


Under the grant, 3 X-ray devices, monitoring system of the spinal vertebrae, sterilization, positioning device of the spine for MR and CT, washer and disinfector, surgical handsets, drill and relievers and other operating room equipments took place.


Bosnia Herzegovina took an important step to be one of the orthopedic centers in the Balkans, thanks to the two operating rooms which were donated.


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