Hisarcıklıoğlu met with İnegöl CCI Council Members


25.12.2018 Bursa

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, after the Real Sector & Financial Sector Dialogue Strengthening Meeting, visited the İnegöl Chamber of Commerce and Industry met with members of the council.

Speaking at the meeting, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that for the first time, the real sector and the finance sector came together and tried to resolve issues.

Speaking of İnegöl and İTSO with praise Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “İnegöl is a giant in culinary terms. We see this in the direction and decisions of Bursa's politics. All politicians in Bursa are from İnegöl. You are showing your difference with your entrepreneurial spirit. We stand by all our İnegöl presidents. We want to ensure that the quality of the services we provide is measured against the world.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the service quality of the chambers is measured with stars. “There is an accreditation service that measures the services provided by the chambers and the exchanges. The standard of service provided by ITSO to its members is 5 stars. This is an international independent organization. I am proud of ITSO. The service provided by İTSO is equivalent to the service provided in London, Berlin and Paris. I congratulate the administration, the council, the secretary general and our colleagues. We are proud of you. You are doing the best if you are 5-star chamber.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stating that there are significant problems in Turkey today, “Looking back at the last 25 years, we have had many rough days like this. In the end, Turkey has always come out better and has developed.”

“We will overcome this bumb in the road as well,” said Hisarcıklıoğlu and went on: “It is to be prepared and not to lose morale. We will stand and we will get through this. Since 2013, we had 1-2 elections almost yearly. Normally, elections would be held every 4-5 years. As a result, these troubles reared up. After March, we will experience an uneventful period for 4.5 years. By focusing on the economy, we will surge ahead.

We forward your concerns and troubles to all our ministers. We follow up on the issues that our presidents entrust to us. This is the capital of furniture. We see added values. There are receivables from our producers and we are working to address this as well. We work to deduct the value added tax for certain instances. 10% discount in energy has been revealed. 10% discount against our increasing energy costs will give us a little breathing room.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu also provided information about the work in regards to credit insurance, “We were working for the issuance of credit insurance. We did not have any insurance as it is in all developed countries. We have been following up on this for 5 years. Receipt insurance will take effect from 1.1.2019. Up to a certain limit, we will get 80% of receivables from insurance. This will open the way for the economy and facilitate trade easily.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that he visited İTSO to extend his well wishes and said, “I wanted to make a celebratory visit. Our elections are a relay flag race. In the past, Mr. Metin was president, now sirs Yavuz and Mahmut are president. Names come and go, what stays behind are the works they do. The most beneficent of people are those who are beneficent unto others. The biggest charity one can do is to employ people. Your job is very different compared to other professions. May Allah bless you. If you weren’t providing employment, the poverty in Turkey would be drastically greater. The support you provide in İTSO will benefit many others. Use this four year period well. This is an opportunity. If you perform your duties well, you will see it reflected in the world.”

ITSO President Yavuz Uğurdağ said, “İnegöl is a brand of Turkey. The city is one of agriculture and industry. It is one of the most important production centers. ITSO is one of the crucial institutions that contribute to it. Entrepreneurs have a community. Our economy is growing with each passing day. In this context we have President Hisarcıklıoğlu to thank for his unending support from the very day we came into office on behalf of İnegöl.”

İTSO Vice President Kenan Kender reported that members would not be charged for events in 2019.

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