Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum Economic Conference


06.07.2019 Nicosia TRNC

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, in his address at the Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum’s 1st Economics Conference, stated that they work together as Turkey and the TRNC business communities and that they want to share their experiences.

Attending the Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum 1st Economy Conference held in cooperation by The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce and TOBB in Nicosia, the capital of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay, TRNC Prime Minister Tatar, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay, Turkey's Ambassador to Nicosia Ali Murat Başçer, Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Maritime Commerce President Turgay Deniz as well as many politicians and representatives from the business community.

In his speech, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the cooperation he observed in the meeting was promising for the future and said:

“Our vision as the Turkish private sector is a TRNC, whose economy is growing, its people prospering, integrated into the international system, freed from the unjust economic and political isolation to which it has been subjected, standing firmly on its own feet. We have voiced the just plight of Turkish Cypriots on all international platforms and continue to do so. Turkey and Turkish business community are working together to achieve this. we share the same vision with the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce. The Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum was established for this purpose.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that, one of the first concrete steps is the conference itself, reporting that over a hundred business people are in attendance at the conference.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We have shown to the whole world that Turkish Cypriots are not alone by investing and trading here. Now we aim to make more trade and investment. For this, we want to help you by transferring the experiences we have gained in the past to improve the business and investment environment in the TRNC. The revival of the Investment Advisory Council by the TRNC government is a very important development in this regard. It will undoubtedly be very beneficial for the TRNC.”

- TRNC Prime Minister Ersin Tatar

TRNC Prime Minister Ersin Tatar stated that stability, safe environment and entrepreneurial spirit is needed to develop the economy.

TRNC Prime Minister Tatar emphasized the importance of the presence of the Turkish government in solidarity with TRNC as represented by Vice President Fuat Oktay and thanked TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu for his ongoing support.

Tatar, pointing out that he became the Minister of Finance in 2009, “Again at that time Mr. Hisarcıklıoğlu was with us. I remember well, at that time (2009) when we came to the government the number of students was falling from 30,000 to 25,000. There was a mistake here, and we immediately went into action. Currently, the number of students has exceeded 100,000. Our goal should be 150,000, there is no reason not to aim for this. Now the infrastructure and everything is proper, but most importantly we have human resources.”

Tatar underlined that the government should take some measures in order to improve public finances.

“The secret and success of this business is the growth of the economy. If we fail to grow the economy, raise student numbers, fail to increase our hospitality capacity in tourism, fail to finish infrastructure work or bring a solution to the energy problem, we will be unable to compete. The answer we must draw from these meetings is the necessity of a stable government.”

- Vice President Fuat Oktay

Delivering a speech at the meeting in Nicosia, Vice President Fuat Oktay said, “Those acting in contravention to the legitimate rights of Turkey and Northern Cyprus in the region, those wishing to ignore Turkey, will never reach their goals.”

Stating that the Conference is an indication of the importance put on business people for the development of economic relations in addition to the fraternity between Turkey and the TRNC, Oktay expressed his wishes for the meetings to be held with Turkish Cypriot companies and approximately 100 companies from Turkey who are in attendance at the conference to prove beneficial for all parties.

Oktay said today that the Turkish Cypriot people are still subjected to embargo and restrictions in many areas, pushing the limits of reason and conscience.

- Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay

In his speech, TRNC Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Kudret Özersay said, “We will not allow a fait-accompli to take place in the Eastern Mediterranean. We are even now on the field with the Yavuz and Fatih drilling vessels. And if discussion necessitates that various actions be take then all parties involved will act accordingly.”

Bilateral business meetings also took place as a part of the Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum.

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