Those who added value to the economy were awarded in Trabzon


08.08.2019 Trabzon

The President of Turkey Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB), M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, emphasized that he is never pessimistic about the future, he always had hopes, and said that Turkey has overcome internal and external crisis and turmoil in the past 25 years and it will overcome today too, in his speech at the Award Ceremony of Those Adding Value to the Economy held in Trabzon.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that they will bring Turkey to where it deserves by always being hand in hand, mentioned that they aim to enter the world's largest economies and they will do it within unity and solidarity without marginalizing anyone.


Hisarcıklıoğlu, who wants the state to be with the Turkish business world while experiencing a thousand kinds of problems, said "Let it not leave us alone in this economic struggle environment. Here, the public banks began to reduce interest rates after the Central Bank. Our fellow countryman, Mr. Berat Albayrak, has made great efforts in this regard. We are also waiting for private banks to reduce their loan interest as soon as possible.”


- Good quality nuts should be produced for further export


Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that if the hazelnut is given the value it deserves, Trabzon and Turkey will prosper, said, "We thank our President and our Government. Hazelnut prices were announced on time this year and met our expectations. It allowed us to breathe during the troubled period. In fact, we need to focus on hazelnut in long-term. If we're going to gain from this business, we'll gain with exports. If we export more, we will produce higher quality nuts. It is also very important that we turn the hazelnut into a product. We need to do what we can for this”.


Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that tourism has done extremely well in Trabzon and said: “Look, there are 35 domestic planes and 15 international planes coming to Trabzon daily. We couldn't have imagined it. And what we're saying now is that the flights are not enough. This is a great potential. Golden-laying chicken. Make an investment, earn a lifetime ”.


Hisarcıklıoğlu, emphasizing that the <tourism should be spread throughout the season, said "We need to work with trained personnel, keep customer satisfaction first, and finish this informal business. This unregistered business will hurt your brand value the most. If we do these, the future of Trabzon will be bright.”


- Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Mehmet Cahit Turhan


Mehmet Cahit Turhan, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, also stated that the award will be given to 140 companies that provide the most employment, develop technology and fill 50 years with the top 10 companies in corporation and income tax in addition to export, it is important in the sense of appreciation of work, production and labor.


Turhan, expressing that they could not participate in hazelnut harvest program in Trabzon, said "We came here from the meeting headed by our Vice President in the Palace. For this reason, I could not participate in the hazelnut harvest program organized by our Chamber of Commerce although I wanted too much."


Turhan, drawing attention to the importance of hazelnuts, said "Nuts should not be ignored for the Black Sea and Trabzon. Like tea, nuts are one of the basic livelihoods of our people. In our country, 702 thousand hectares of hazelnut production is done. Trabzon is one of the important hazelnut production centers. Our country, provides 68 percent of the world hazelnut production and 76 percent of the trade alone."


"We export nuts to 115 countries." and continued "We have generated a revenue of 1 billion 635 million dollars hazelnut exports last year. I hope this year, there will be plenty of nuts. It is estimated that the yield will reach 700 thousand tons. The base price was also pleasing. We have to look at hazelnut, hazelnut orchards, which are a strategic products for both our people and our region. As the number of our sample gardens increases, our harvests and profits will be more abundant and fertile."

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