Casting Industrialists gathered under the roof of TOBB



TOBB Turkish Casting Industry Assembly carried out its first meeting hosted at TOBB. At the meeting Assembly President Niyazi Akdaş presented the assessment of casting industry in 2010. ​

  Akdaş mentioning the problems created in global crisis period, attracted attention to the decline of number of enterprises and sector turnover between the years 2008 and 2010. Akdaş added that in 2008 the number of enterprises in the sector has reached to 1.189 however in 2010 it has fallen to 1.071 plants. Similarly informing that sector turnover has declined from 5 million TL to 4 million 250 thousand TL, Niyazi Akdaş also expressed in the year of 2009 growth rates have also narrowed about 25 – 30 percent but fortunately in 2010 the losses were compensated.   Underlining the big difference on employment rates between the years 2008 – 2010, Akdaş said “In the casting industry the number of people employed has reached to 35 thousand in 2008 whereas in 2010 it has fallen to 30 thousand 500 and worse in 2009 it dropped to 25 thousand.” Terminological problems occur in the definitions of secondary processed products and wastage At the meeting another important agenda topic was about “Inward Processing Regime” and the issues casting industrialists are having with the recent implementations. Assembly members discussed the disparity before government agencies on the definition of wastage and secondary products and added that firms should be the ones to declare the waste ratios of wastage and secondary product.  

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