Open letter from TOBB to the world on “Operation Peace Spring”


13.10.2019 Ankara

A letter explaining how Operation Peace Spring is a legitimate operation by Turkey in accordance with international law signed by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu is being sent out to 190 counterpart business institutions throughout the world, to the largest 7 business organizations on 5 continents; Eurochambres in Europe, Asia-Pacific Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Asia, the Islamic Chamber of Commerce Industry, the Union of Arab Chambers, the Union of African Chambers in Africa, the US Chambers of America and the Union of Latin American Chambers.

In the letter, it is stated that in order to ensure the security of both countries borders, the campaign aims to eliminate the terrorist corridor posing a threat to countries in the region, that Turkey is practicing its universal right arising from international laws and rules to protect itself.

It is expressed in the letter that the region will be cleared of terrorist organizations, the Syrian people will be saved from the oppression and persecution of terrorists, so that the region may attain peace, stability and tranquility.

It is underlined that Turkey's determination to fight against terrorist organizations is complete, and have provided full support to the efforts in the international arena in this context from the beginning.

Previous operations, Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch, successfully combated Daesh and PYD / YPG terror, however the terror threat to Turkey's borders originating from Syrian, especially stationed PYD / YPG terrorist organization elements across the border east of the Euphrates have continued their hostile actions.

The terrorist activities of the PYD / YPG in the region and the mutual interest relations of the organization with the Daesh militants is also mentioned and various terrorist formations in the region were explained in detail.

- Turkey is using its right of self-defense

It is stated in the letter that Operation Peace Spring was initiated to preserve Turkey’s rights within the framework of universal law and United Nations Security Council anti-terrorism decisions and the right to self-defense in the UN Convention.

“As in the previous operations, in the planning and execution of this operation, only the elements of terrorist groups and the shelters, position, weapon, tools and equipment caches of these elements are targeted. All the necessary measures are taken to prevent the civilians from being harmed. The bases and observation points of our Allies are not targeted. Military communications channels are open and operational.”

It was also underlined that Turkey's fight against terrorism in Syria would also strengthen Syria’s territorial integrity and also contribute to the preservation of its unity:

“As the only country fighting directly on the field against Daesh in Syria, the situation of Daesh prisoners is of great importance to Turkey. We believe that the only sustainable solution is for all foreign terrorist fighters to be returned to their countries of origin. The issue of foreign terrorist fighters can only be resolved with international community's joint efforts.”

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