Turkey - EU JCC members convey their message of support for Operation Peace Spring to President Erdoğan


16.10.2019 Ankara

Turkey - EU Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) Turkey Wing, which is comprised of HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, TESK, TURK-İŞ, TİSK KAMU-SEN, Turkey Retirees Association, TOBB and TZOB, in consultation with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, once again emphasized their support for Operation Peace Spring.

Regarding the subject, the joint statement made on behalf of Turkey Retirees Association, HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, TESK, TURK-İŞ, TİSK KAMU-SEN, TOBB and TZOB is as follows:

“We, non-governmental and professional organizations representing Turkey's workers, civil servants, artisans, farmers, retirees and employers;

· Turkey Retirees Association

· HAK-İŞ Trade Unions Confederation (HAK-İŞ),

· Civil Servant Unions Confederation (MEMUR-SEN),

· Turkey Tradesmen and Artisans Confederation (TESK)

· Turkey Labor Unions Confederation (TURK-IS)

· Turkey Employers' Unions Confederation (TISK)

· Turkey Public Workers Unions Confederation (PUBLIC-SEN)

· The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

· Turkey Union of Chambers of Agriculture (TZOB)

have met with President Erdoğan. As you know, we organized a press conference in Ankara on October 11th with the participation of the Bar Association.

We emphasized that we stand behind and support the decision for ‘Operation Peace Spring’ initiated by the government against the terrorist organizations nesting in northern Syria.

Today, our organizations across the country will announce this statement all over the country. Furthermore, we have also taken action to inform the international public correctly and to defend against social perceptions operations against our country.

Each of us has started to work with our counterparts abroad and in international organizations in which we are members and to convey the rightful position of our country.

Together, we addressed the world public and said; This operation is legitimate and in accordance with universal law.

Turkey has used its rights arising from international rules.

Operation Peace Spring was initiated within the framework of the United Nations Security Council's anti-terrorism decisions and the right to self-defense in the UN Convention.

Syria's territorial integrity, sovereignty and political unity are respected.

At the same time, utmost attention is paid to the protection of civilians and innocents.

Turkey is combating terror and its perpetrators with its ongoing operation as well as the previous Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch.

This is not a day to be silent on the matter, but one of in which we must raise our voice, united as a nation.

Threats and sanctions cannot turn us from the path which we know to be right, from doing the right thing, from protecting the rights and law of the oppressed.

The Turkish nation, business and civil society will give the best answer to them, united as one.

With our prayers and all our hearts, we stand by our government and heroic soldiers.

We believe that our Turkish Armed Forces will destroy the terrorist elements and defeat the terrorist organizations operating in the region.

We pray for the grace of Allah upon our soldiers and citizens who have been martyred, may heaven be their abode. We wish our wounded rapid recovery.

May Allah Almighty bless our soldiers and grant our army victory. May Allah stand with and aid us in this endeavor.”

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