“Our mission is to convey our members’ frustrations and suggestions to bureaucrats and the government”


21.10.2019 Düzce

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Meeting with industrialists and businesspeople held at Düzce University TechnoPark.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his speech that Düzce CCI and Düzce CE are accredited chambers/commodity exchanges and offer their members a 5-star service at European standards.

The TOBB President reported that, as a result of the efforts of Düzce CCI and CE, the number of organized industrial zones in Düzce increased from 1 to 5; and Düzce's products reached the point where they are exported to 124 countries.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they are going through a difficult period, “As you well know. Our primary task is to convey our community, our members’ frustrations and suggestions to bureaucrats and the government. Many of the demands sent to us by you have been addressed.”

Sharing the demands that were addressed in only the last few months, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Our biggest complaint was regarding the banks. At your request and the initiative of our government, public banks took steps in this regard. They've cut interest rates a little bit and they're just starting to give out new loans. Our second complaint was high POS commissions. We've been stressing it everywhere for the last year. We've finally made sure that steps are taken. A 1.60% upper limit has been imposed for POS commissions. Cheque-Deed collection was another important problem. We introduced the QR-code system to cheques. Now we're working on a similar system for bonds. Again, there was one thing we've been working on for a long time. Trade credit insurance. Halkbank and Halk Insurance led the way. The credit restructuring business just wouldn't work. A new application has been launched for those who owe 25m TRY or more in loans. We wanted small companies to be added to this. We're waiting for that to be implemented.

Dues from public institutions were particularly problematic. We've always told you how much these payments are needed. In July, when the Central Bank's reserve fee was transferred to the Treasury, some of the overdue debts to the private sector were paid. There's been some relief. We're following up on the matter. Vocational Education was very important for our community. As the business community, one thing we always complained about was the slow functioning of the judicial system. We have contributed to the implementation of alternative solutions to be put into action. The mediation system has been initiated. It has been made mandatory in business-employer disputes, then in commercial cases. So far, 65% of applications have resulted in a deal. The cases that used to last for years end in days and weeks. In commercial disputes, use TOBB arbitration. You get much cheaper and much faster results. Finally, there is the subject of Vocational Qualification Certificate, a certificate of professional competence is mandatory for 143 professions in the ‘hazardous’ and ‘very hazardous‘ categories. In these professions, employers employing undocumented workers will be subject to high fines. Within TOBB, we have established MEYBEM Vocational Qualification and Certification Centers. The vocational qualification exam has no cost to the employer or the person who will take the exam. The government pays for it. In addition, employers employing certified persons, up to 4 years, do not pay the employer's share of SSI premiums. In other words, your SSI cost is suddenly reduced by half.”

The TOBB President stated that are many other issues which they are following up on such as electricity hikes, e-foreclosures, disruption of incentives such as KOSGEB, difficulties posed by private banks, severance pay burden, and these issues are relayed to the ministers at every opportunity.”

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