“Citrus is very important for Mersin”


02.11.2019 Mersin

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu participated in the Mersin Citrus Festival.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking at the opening of the festival, expressed his happiness at being in Mersin, the pearl of the Mediterranean, and attending the 7th World Festival. Mersin expressed his wishes for the Citrus Festival to be auspicious.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, noting that he witnessed such festivals in many cities, said, “But I'm telling you, Mersin is the best in this business. From the design of the business to the logistics, you've organized a world-class festival. It should become an international festival. This is what Mersin and the residents of Mersin deserve; I congratulate all of you. Do you know the trick to achieve this? Our experienced governor, our Mayor, Rector, District Mayors, Mersin Commodity Exchange, Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mersin Maritime Chamber of Commerce, other NGOs are all here. They have come together hand in hand. They're united around the city's landmark, citrus. They are doing their part to increase Mersin's brand value.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, touching on the importance of the saying, ‘Grace and prosperity in unity; anguish in dissent,’ said, “Grace and prosperity have come. I heartily congratulate everyone who has contributed, especially our governor, our mayor. A Special thanks to My President of Mersin Commodity Exchange, Ömer Abdullah Özdemir. As the festival's executive committee chairman, he has shouldered a serious burden. He planned this immense organization and put it into practice with his team. I am proud of my brother Ömer Abdullah Özdemir for his beautiful understanding and success, and I heartily congratulate him.”

Stating that citrus is very important for Mersin, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Mersin produces 25% of Turkey's citrus and 37% of its citrus exports. A lot of families are earning their living from it. It's the backbone of the city's economy. I'd like to open a special bracket here. Instead of just selling citrus fruits, we should sell it by adding value. We need to do things that will add value to the citrus; everything from its juice to dried fruits. Mersin has the vision and potential to do this, and the value of this festival goes far beyond that. Look, there are people from 30 countries here, and this is a very visionary step towards the branding of Mersin, not just Citrus. Just as products and services have brand value, cities now have brand value. Cities, not countries, are competing in the world. The world's 600 most important brand cities, make up half of the world economy.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that Mersin has a great potential, “Mersin is a very important agricultural city. The city that feeds Turkey its fruit and vegetables. Mersin is also an industrial city. There are 1,500 industrial plants here, 9 of Turkey's 1,000 largest industrial organizations. Mersin is a city of trade and fairs. Next year, this city will host 12 fairs. Mersin is a city of education. It has four universities, and Mersin is a tourist city. Do you know what they call it? They call it the Miami of Turkey. Have you seen Miami? Look at this coastline, that's Miami. With all its potential, its nature, its climate, there is no city like Mersin. Allah willing, Mersin's future is bright. As long as we maintain unity there. Let's be one and together. Let's not alienate each other. Then no one can hold Mersin back. We will see grace and prosperity.”

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