Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the TATSO General Assembly


29.11.2019 Berlin / Germany

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, attended the 14th Meeting of the Turkish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TATSO) General Assembly held in Berlin.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said Turkish-German friendship has a long history and this friendship has resisted very serious challenges throughout history. 

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The foundations of our friendship are robust. These solid foundations offer us, as the business world, a wide range of collaborative areas in the Middle East, Central Asia, Europe and the world in general, at a binary level in the future.Daily, current and cyclical developments cannot be allowed to harm the soundness of our relations.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed that the economic dimension of relations between the two countries is on a solid basis and that Germany is turkey's most important trading partner and is the most important investor country in Turkey.

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that people of Turkish origin living in Germany have fulfilled their duties as a bridge between the two countries, adding, “We are also proud of their integration into German society and the German economy. In Germany, 80,000 Turkish entrepreneurs have an annual turnover of 50 billion Euros and provide employment to 500,000 people.”

- “It will be one of the most important projects in terms of win-win”

Hisarcıklıoğlu reported that 7,000 German companies in Turkey operate and employ 120,000 people, Germany's investment in Turkey is around 10 billion euros. Considering that Germany's foreign investment is 700 billion euros, it is only 1 percent that comes to us today. We're complaining about that, too. So we've got a lot of distance to take.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed that those who invest in Turkey today will be the winners of tomorrow, and went on: “I'd like to make a call to Volkswagen from here. Japan is a brand country in the world for producing cars with zero production errors. Toyota has a factory in Turkey, and when you compare it to all the factories of Toyota in the world, there are zero production errors in its production, which is the investment it has made in Sakarya, Turkey. Even in Japan they produce the occasional faulty vehicle while the product produced in Turkey comes out with zero errors. This shows the skill of the Turkish worker and the Turkish technicians. At the same time, the most efficient factory of all Ford factories in the world is Ford's investment in Kocaeli. Volkswagen had decided to invest in Turkey but suspended it most likely for political reasons. If Volkswagen invests in Turkey, both Volkswagen, Germany and Turkey will win. It It will be one of the most important projects in terms of win-win. Hopefully, we expect the final decision to be positive by the end of this year. In this context, we look forward to the support of our esteemed friends.”

- “Turkey has prevented a large wave of refugees in Europe”

Hisarcıklıoğluunderlined that Turkey's Operation Peace Spring was carried out to clear northern Syria from terrorist organizations, adding, “It was important that terrorist organizations which threaten 82 million are pushed away from our borders. It was essential for the peace and well-being of the people of the region and for Turkey's security.  It also prevented a possible influx of refugees. Otherwise, a new and large wave of refugees would begin to reach millions in both Turkey and Europe. We have prevented this, and we expect Germany and our friends to see it and support it.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, noting that Germany's leadership and support is decisive on key issues such as Turkey's accession process to the European Union (EU), the agreement reached between the EU and Turkey on Syrian refugees, abolition of visas imposed on Turkish citizens, and updating the Customs Union, concluded: “These areas are based on the common values of Turkey, Germany, even the EU, based on their interests. In this context, Germany's leadership and support in these areas is crucial. We want to increase our economic relations with Germany. This is why we come here with a very large delegation of businessmen in Turkey and the leading chamber and commodity exchange presidents of our country. We believe that both these visits and our bilateral chambers will further our relations.”

- Other speakers

Turkey's Ambassador to Berlin Ali Kemal Aydın also noted Turkey and Germany's historical friendship, saying that due to the geographical location, historical ties and economic development of the two countries, their interests have always required mutual close cooperation. 

Aydın reported that within the multilateral and trade freedom based international system, both countries' economies and exports are growing, “The protectionist tests facing the multilateral system based on rules today have raised concerns about the future of economies whose prosperity, such as Germany and Turkey, depends on foreign trade and investments. In this environment, while strongly advocating multilateralism in the international plan, it is important to re-accelerate the deepening of bilateral and EU-Turkey integration. It is useful to be able to look beyond the daily headlines of the media and to make our moves by looking far ahead instead of being myopic. At this point, I believe that the two countries have an important role in the economic bureaucracy and trade institutions.”

Ambassador Aydın stated that institutions and institutionalization are important in the protection and development of prosperity and that The TD-IHK maintains the power of Turkish-German trade and investment relations, which are important for the future and prosperity of both countries, and is an important player in institutionalization.

Aydın, stating that there is a great potential within the framework of partnership and cooperation between Turkey and Germany despite a series of differences of opinion, said, “All we need is to know and understand each other better; to build and develop relationships on an equal footing. I think there's a lot of work to be done. I believe that we will leave behind this period of hardship that we are going through. I want you to know that both sides are doing their best in good faith.”

Ambassador Aydın, referring to the social ties between the two countries, “There are nearly 100 paired cities between Germany and Turkey. Both the embassy and 13 consulates are ready to cooperate with you.”

- Three-stage cooperation

Rolf König, President of the Turkish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that those investing in Turkey have won, noting that while in 1989, they achieved very little turnover from their investment in Turkey, but today this turnover has reached 380 million Euros.

“When we went to Turkey for investment in 1989, they asked, 'Why did you go? Did you go for cheap labor?' The Germans didn't understand us back then. We invested in Turkey with a three-stage strategic goal. For the first 5 years we produced only for the Turkish market. As the second stage, our enterprises in the country began to export to other countries. For the third stage, our businesses in Turkey started to establish companies in other countries. We knew this potential in Turkey. The investor in Turkey wins. We will continue to invest in Turkey. We must work to produce new products to increase the added value. We will achieve this with Turkey's excited and young population.”

“We do not engage in politics for the benefit of both countries,” König said, stressing that they do not discuss politics for Turkish-German friendship.

König, reporting that they’ve established a cement factory in Soma where 301 miners lost their lives, said, “We went to Soma for solidarity. The mayor showed me a cement factory project. The French would have done it, but they didn't. I sent my friends to Soma three days later. We bought land and we built the cement factory. The investor in Turkey wins. We will continue to invest in Turkey. We must work to produce new products to increase the added value. We will achieve this with turkey's excited and young population.”

- Turkey is a must

Former European Union (EU) Commission Vice-President Günter Verheugen, recalling that in 2004, the EU's enlargement process results report recommended that Turkey continue negotiations on the accession process, said, “Today, 15 years later, when considering Turkish-German relations, Turkey is undoubtedly an indispensable part of Europe economically and culturally.  It is undoubtedly part of the Western alliance. Without Turkey, the Union has no future.”

Verheugen stressed that no matter what Turkey does, it is always seen as unfair, noting that Turkey's security concerns are not adequately understood.

Stressing that Turkey is not responsible for Turkey's EU membership being blocked, Verheugen said, “Those who cause this should think carefully about what historical responsibility they’ve taken on. We're facing challenges, and we can only overcome them together. Turkey must be a member of the EU, because we need Turkey.”

Former EU Commission Vice-President Verheugen stressed that there is great potential in relations between Germany and Turkey, “Wherever you go in Turkey, you meet people who love and know Germany. It's good to see.”

- “Revival process must be completed”

Wittke, former German Ministry of Economy and Energy Undersecretary for Turkey, also spoke at the event, saying the process for improving relations between Germany and Turkey started last year should continue.

“The process we initiated with the German Minister of Economy and Energy during our visit to Ankara last year is still incomplete. This process between Germany and Turkey must be completed. There was a need for a new revival between the two countries. This process should definitely not be interrupted.”

Recalling that 3.5 million people of Turkish origin live in Germany, Wittke said, “They are building bridges between the two countries. We want to contribute to this with all our strength here. Governments come and go, people who build bridges are permanent. Don't leave relations to politicians. We need people who build bridges to break down prejudices.”

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