Gaziantep Arbitration and Mediation Centre opens


11.12.2019 Gaziantep

Attending the opening of the Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Center, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, stressed the importance of the mediation system, “We as the Chamber-Commodity Exchange community give our full support to this system. We make great efforts to spread it in the business world. We open Mediation and Arbitration Centers in our chambers. In this way, our business world will resolve its disputes, both faster and cheaper.”

The opening of the Mediation and Arbitration Center in Gaziantep was held with the participation of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Gaziantep Governor Davut Gül, Gaziantep Metropolitan Mayor Fatma Şahin and Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce President M. Tuncay Yıldırım.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that Gaziantep is the star of Southeast Anatolia in his speech, “Gaziantep's contributions to the Turkish economy are admirable. As the head of the Turkish business world, I am proud of the success of Gaziantep and our entrepreneurs who are the stars of Gaziantep. I am proud of all our Chambers and Stock Exchanges in Gaziantep, which serves our star entrepreneurs in the best way.  I heartily congratulate our Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce for its successful work, exemplary projects and awards.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointing out that the Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce, with its Syria Desk project for Syrian members, has received been awarded among the Chambers of the world in the ICC, its name heard throughout the world, “Also recently, it is the 3rd recipient of the ‘Competency in Excellence 5 Star Certificate’ EFQM award. Our chamber, more importantly, was the first Chamber of Commerce to receive this award. I would like to congratulate our Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce, which has been in service for 120 years with its exemplary projects such as GETHAM, GTO Syria Desk, GTO Academy and Professional Qualification Center. Mr. Tuncay Yıldırım and I work together on the TOBB High Coordination Board and the Council of Chambers of Commerce and benefit from their experience. I would like to thank our President M. Tuncay Yıldırım, Council Speaker Hilmi Teymur, council members, secretary general and all my colleagues for their selfless work.”

- Important reforms in the judiciary were enacted

Stating that as the business community, one of the issues they always complain about, due to the excessive file burden, is the slow functioning judicial system, Hisarcıklıoğlu said the average case spends 2 years at first degree courts, then another 2 years in second degree courts. Noting that Justice Minister Gül has enacted important structural reforms, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “He has enabled alternative solutions to be put into action. He started the mediation system in our country. In fact, we as a nation are no strangers to this issue. Centuries ago, our ancestor made use of Akhism, which constitutes the basis of our Chamber-Commodity Exchange Community, to resolve commercial disputes. Then we forgot about it, and Europe took it from us and improved it. Thanks to Minister Abdülhamit Gül for addressing this. First in business-employer disputes, then in commercial cases, mediation was made mandatory.”

- Use of mediation system is increasing

Noting that the use of the mediation system is increasing day by day, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the number of files processed in 6 years has reached 1 million. Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that the number of applications for working life issues, which are important for our business world, exceeded 800,000, and 70% of them resulted in an agreement. “The trials, which used to last for years, ended in days and weeks," Hisarcıklıoğlu said, adding that access to justice has accelerated.

“This is also a win-win method. Because people have been spared a waste of time and a financially damaging, long process, and our judicial system has also been spared a significant workload. Thus, the grievances decreased, the sense of justice was strengthened. Therefore, mediation contributed to social peace. All these good results in practice show that the reform is a correct and appropriate step.

The legal system is a pillar not only of the state, but also of the economy. If the law is strong, people's confidence in each other, institutions and the system increases. If sense of justice and trust is strong in a country, then that country's economy will be strong. In fact, the place of law in our culture and in our faith is already very important. We are a nation that believes that justice is at the heart of property. There's also a saying I like very much: Justice is like the polar star, it is constant; everything else revolves around it. That's why we must maintain the balance of the scales of justice.

We must take every step necessary to make it work effectively, quickly and healthily. The more successful we are in making our legal system healthier and better functioning, the stronger our country and economy will be.”

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