Honorary Doctorate from Osmaniye Korkut Ata University to Hisarcıklıoğlu


16.12.2019 Osmaniye

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Osmaniye Korkut Ata University. Hisarcıklıoğlu was presented with a Ph.D. by Prof. Dr. Murat Türk, Rector of Korkut Ata University. Hisarcıklıoğlu shared his experiences on 'entrepreneurship' with the students after the ceremony.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu shared the excitement and happiness of meeting with young people and students in his speech, “I attend hundreds of meetings during the year, but universities are where I am the happiest. If I get an invitation from the youth, I'll come right away! I see the future of my country in you. My hopes are renewed and I work more eagerly. I am very happy to be at Korkut Ata University today.”

- Praise for Dede Korkut Khan

Dede Korkut's philosophy is a special interest that expresses Hisarciklıoğlu, “The book ‘Dede Korkut Khan, Hey!’ is the full-end book to get to know us Turks correctly. What would Grandpa Korkut say? ‘When you don't ride, you don't get there!’ Yes, we can't achieve our goal without action, without effort! And everyone's done their part for this university. One of the best names to be given to a science center has been given to our university. Unfortunately, we are not good at taking care of our history, our culture, our work, our philosophers. Here we have the philosopher. The tongue is ours. Culture is ours! So where are the artifacts? At the Vatican and in Dresden! So we couldn't claim it. It's not going to happen! As TOBB, we have received the same right to print these works. We collected two books in one book. There are 12 stories in one and six stories in the other. an illustration was commissioned by miniature artists for each story. The works of 19 different artists were collected in this book. Praise Allah, it was a first.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, stating that Korkut Ata University is working hard to be worthy of its name, reported that it is the only university in Turkey that is authorized to issue energy manager certificates. “It is in the top 10 to become a specialized university in Turkey. Thus, besides the Ottoman industrialist and the merchants. I heartily congratulate Prof. Dr. Murat Türk, our academicians and administrative staff. It is a great honor to receive an honorary doctorate in business administration from such a dynamic university. I'd like to thank the Senate and the board of directors.”

- Solution to unemployment is entrepreneurship

Hisarcıklıoğlu, sharing his views on entrepreneurship with the young people in the hall, said, “When I see young people, I'll definitely talk about entrepreneurship. Why? Everyone here wants to be rich, right? Entrepreneurship is the way to get rich in this day and age! Now the power of nations in the world is measured not by their cannons and rifles, but by entrepreneurial power. The story of the collapse of the Soviet Union is due to the lack of entrepreneurs. The reconstruction of Germany and Japan after the WWII was thanks to entrepreneurs. Notice that the 20 richest countries, the 20 most entrepreneurial countries.

Now countries are importing entrepreneurs. 51% of entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley were born outside the United States. Currently, only one entrepreneur employs 10 people in Turkey. So the solution to unemployment is entrepreneurship.

So we need to get more entrepreneurs out. With this vision, I have traveled every inch of our country. I talked about entrepreneurship. We have implemented the biggest Women's and Young entrepreneurs' Councils in Turkey. We founded TOBB University of Economics and Technology. If you want me to describe the entrepreneur in one sentence: For me, the entrepreneur is the one who crosses the borders. Who did they think of when you said space? Russia and the United States. In space, two countries would wage a power struggle. Now, when you think of space, it's not a country, it's Elon Musk. It's very important to dream for entrepreneurship. I've been an entrepreneur for 40 years, i still dream every day. A man without imagination has no wings. It's the only area where we don't have borders. You have to combine the imaginary goal with the goal. If you don't set a target, you'll be a dreamer. The target must be large. There's no success without hard work.

Innovation is very important. You have to bring new customs to the old village. My grandmother raised me to not make up new things, but invention is innovation. To do what is not done, or to do what is done in a new way.

Remember that invention is not necessarily saving the world, it is meeting people's needs in new ways!

Branding is important. You're going to brand whatever you do. Turkey is a great paradise! There's no better! This year, Turkey's 12-month tourism revenue reached Spain in 5 and a half months.”

- Don't be afraid to take risks

“You shouldn't be afraid to take risks. A person who's not brave can't be an entrepreneur. The key to success is not giving up! There is surely failure and perseverance behind great achievements. Those who don't stop at first failure will surely win. Edison, who invented the light bulb, has a saying that I love: ‘If I fail1 10,000 times, I wouldn't despair.  Every mistake is part of the path forward.’

And don't forget the partnership culture. We need to develop a culture of partnership. Those who form partnerships always take go higher. We have to stop this jealousy. Remember that there grace and prosperity in solidarity; anguish is dissent. Everyone should have their own words to live by. My principles are: You can’t be thrifty with work but you can be thrifty with spending! The trick is honesty! Check first, then rely! It is always wrong to rely on memory! There's can be no make do at work!

To conclude, you're going to have to get out of your comfort zone! What is that? I call it 'active laziness' in Turkish. I mean, you do something, but you always do the same thing, and you expect different results. Whereas everything is moving forward, everything is changing. Active laziness is the equivalent of doing nothing! It's just psychological relief. What is the biggest difference between humans and animals?  To seek innovation. The ant does the same thing he built the house 1,000 years ago. Rumi has a beautiful saying: Yesterday was yesterday. We need to say something new today. Differentiate! Make sure you become a citizen of the world. Travel a lot, learn new cultures. Don't stop reading, researching. Never stop questioning, reading, investigating. Be conscientious in everything you do, in any environment you're in. Be fair. Work for a world where the strong are not the right, but the right are strong, and don't alienate anyone. Don't think of them as the other. Preserve your unity.”

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