“We fulfill all material and moral responsibilities without hesitation”


27.01.2020 Malatya

Turkey - Members of the Turkish wing of the EU Joint Consultative Committee visited the Governorship of Malatya and conveyed their wishes to Governor Aydın Baruş.

“Representing Turkey's civil society and the professional and business world; Confederation of Rights Workers' Unions (HAK-İŞ), Confederation of Civil Servants' Unions (MEMUR-SEN), Confederation of Tradesmen and Artisans of Turkey (TESK), Confederation of Turkish Workers' Unions (TÜRK-İŞ), Confederation of Turkish Employers' Unions (TISK), Confederation of Public Employees Unions of Turkey (KAMU-SEN) and Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) are here today. The earthquakes that occurred in Elazığ and Malatya have deeply upset our entire nation and wounded our hearts in the pain of what we lost. We wish our nation well, we pray for the grace of Allah upon those who have lost, patience for their relatives, and wish urgent healings to those who are injured.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, who reported that they received numerous condolatory messages from abroad, said, “All the institutions and citizens of our country stand in solidarity with this disaster. Our nation has shown great sensitivity in the healing of wounds and the sharing of pain. That's the point of being a nation. We are at a time when we need solidarity, prayer, patience and solidarity and unity. We have to stand together in difficult times, side by side. We can only lessen the pain of disasters in unity and solidarity.”

Stating that the effort and sensitivity that the state, government and ministries put forward from the first moment of the earthquake, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Our President and 3 Ministers have come here personally. Turkish Armed Forces, Red Crescent and AFAD, UMKE, JÖAK, Fire Department and NGOs were here from the very first moment. On the other hand, our respective ministries have taken the necessary first measures for the economy of Elazığ and Malatya in their fields. As tradesmen, workers, employers, public servants of this country, we will fulfill all our material and moral responsibilities without hesitation in coordinating our government. Here from all over Turkey, from north to south, east to west, 99 TIRs full of relief materials set out with the organization of our Chambers and Exchanges. We believe that our government continues to take the necessary measures to ensure that farmers, traders and tradesmen in the region can get their normal lives back to normal life as soon as possible.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that they are working with the local people with all their agencies, “We are ready to do whatever duty falls to us. Surrendering to disasters, submitting to pessimism is against the character of this great nation. Turkey is able to overcome every challenge. By the grace of Allah, this calamity will be overcome. Because, together, we are Turkey. May Allah preserve us from another disaster of the kind. May Allah keep our nation and Turkey from all kinds of disasters and calamity.”

- Municipality visit

The delegation then visited the Malatya Metropolitan Municipality and conveyed their wishes to Mayor Selahattin Gürkan. From there, the delegation visited the Malatya AFAD Logistics Warehouses and received information.

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