We must ensure that global brand hotels spread to Anatolia


28.01.2020 İstanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, urging the government to support the spread of global brand hotel investments to Anatolia, said at the Tourism Investment Forum, “Because foreign tourists, especially foreign tourists with high spending potential, are looking for such hotels and going to places where these hotels are located.” The TOBB President stressed that the quality and beauty of hotels in Turkey, the service capacity of those who work here is not found in other countries.

The two-day Tourism Investment Forum in Istanbul was opened at Raffles Istanbul Hotel with the participation of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and T.R. Presidential Strategy and Budget Chairman Naci Ağbal.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his speech that the Turkish Tourism Investors Association has been carrying out successful activities for 30 years with its mission to improve the country's tourism, “TTYD members have also been the architects of the growth of the tourism sector and its transformation into a star sector with investments reaching $60 billion. As the president of the Turkish business world, I am proud of them and congratulate them all individually.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Turkish Airlines is the airline that flies to the most countries in the world and the most international destinations, thus accessing it from 126 countries and 318 world cities. Hisarcıklıoğlu said of the opportunities Turkey has: “Turkey is not just about sea, sun and sand.  From summer tourism to winter sports, nature, culture, faith, sports, health and congress tourism, there are all kinds of tourism here. This geography is also a great treasure of history.

Many civilizations were born in this land. That's where the first money was printed. Trade, banking and the stock market first appeared in these lands. Almost all of the first civilizations are here.

Hittites, the first superpower of antiquity, was in this land. Troy, Rome, Byzantines are here. The Seljuks and Ottomans were here. Is there another geography in the world that has so many different cultures? 20 years ago in Turkey, the number of UNESCO world heritage sites was only 7. Today, that number has reached 18. Apart from these, we also have 78 pieces of natural and cultural value on the list of provisional candidates. Moreover, new discoveries are still being made. Here is Göbeklitepe, the first human settlement. It's called the zero point of history with a 12,000-year history. I would like to express extreme pride that we as TOBB have also taken part in the preservation and promotion of these works.

For example, TOBB did all the maintenance and restoration of 4.5 centuries old Edirne Selimiye Mosque and Complex. And we will maintain it. Again, we introduced Göbeklitepe to the European Parliament and the public in Brussels.”

- Hisarcıklıoğlu speaks about TOBB

Hisarcıklıoğlu also gave information about TOBB, “TOBB is the largest professional organization in Turkey where all companies are members. Every domestic and foreign company from all sectors is our member.

We accept and support every company established and operating in our country as an asset of our country. We also help international companies operating in our country and defend their rights and law.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu underlined that they have a wide network abroad as TOBB, and said that they are in the managements of all business organizations between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Hisarcıklıoğlu, “As TOBB, we see tourism as the golden sector of our country. Because in terms of both foreign exchange revenue and the added value it leaves, the tourism sector is by far the leader.

Therefore, we are making a great effort for the development of Tourism in Turkey. We have established the Turkish Tourism Council to produce solutions to the problems of the sector. Our Tourism Council includes the largest tourism companies in Turkey, as well as our Ministry of Tourism and other relevant public institutions. All parties meet regularly around a single table. They address the problems in the sector, develop solutions and offer them to the public administration.”

Stating that TOBB Sector Council Chairman Osman Ayık and TTYD Chairman, Deputy Council Chairwoman Oya Narin have worked hard, contributing to the solutions on a variety of issues including tourism VAT rate reductions, financial support to agencies, facilities to be included in the scope of credit guarantee fund, adequate pay problem, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they always stand with the tourism sector as a community.

- High-spending tourists looking for brand hotels

Hisarcıklıoğlu said: “Thanks to TOBB's work, many important reforms have been made to improve the business and investment environment. It's going to take a long time if I try to tell you one by one. But to put it simply, bureaucracy and procedures have been reduced in access to finance, taxes and customs, construction permits and deed operations. Issues are going to be resolved much faster. So in the World Bank's Doing Business Index, we've risen 17 places in just two years. For the first time in our history, we've risen to 33rd rank. Now our goal is to get into the top 20. For this reason, we started a busy shift with public institutions. Our Union's contribution to the real sector and Turkish tourism will continue to increase. At this point, we see the benefit of our government in supporting an issue.

We need to ensure that hotel investments which have become global brands spread to Anatolia. Because foreign tourists, especially foreign tourists with high spending potential, are looking for such hotels and going to places where these hotels are located. I'd like to share an experience with you. I am Vice President of EUROCHAMBRES, the largest umbrella organization for the European business world. I've seen every country in Europe, I've stayed in many facilities. I say this with open heart and conviction: I could not find the quality, beauty and service capacity of the hotels in Turkey in any other country.”

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