Hisarcıklıoğlu met with Manisa business world at consultation meeting


04.02.2020 Manisa

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu participated in the “Joint Consultation Meeting of the Manisa Business World” organized by the Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Manisa CCI) and the Manisa Commodity Exchange and shared his assessments while listening to the views and solution proposals of the region's business world.

The meeting hosted at the Manisa Holiday Hotel by Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Manisa Commodity Exchange, with the participation of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, saw discussion on the province’s and region's economic and trade life.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu in his speech here, expressed his condolences for the soldiers who were killed in Idlib and those who lost their lives in the earthquake. “The earthquake burned the hearts of all of us,” said Hisarcıklıoğlu, and praised the solidarity he has witnessed. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that all the institutions of the country and citizens were in solidarity from the first moment: “Our nation has shown great sensitivity in the healing of wounds and sharing the suffering. In hard times, we all have to stick together, side by side. We can only alleviate the pain of disasters in unity and solidarity. As the Chamber and Commodity Exchange community, we acted very quickly. The next day, we launched a major nationwide fundraiser. On Monday, we went to the area and saw the situation firsthand. From all over Turkey, from north to south, east to west, with dozens of truckloads of aid supplies, we set out with the organization of our chambers and exchanges. We've sent 108 truckloads of aid. We were preparing dozens more aid trucks. As all the warehouses are full, we were told to wait. I would like to thank our entire community, including Manisa. Hopefully from now on, we will continue to overcome every disaster together, together with force. May Allah preserve us from its like. May Allah protect our nation and Turkey from all disasters and calamity.”

- Hope prevails for the real sector in 2020

Reminding that every new year is a new hope, a new beginning, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said that 2019 was a difficult year for the economy, but that a recovery has been seen in the economy for the last few months. Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed that they see this as promising for the future, “Allah willing, in 2020, hope will prevail for the real sector instead of uncertainty. Of course, important duties and responsibilities fall on all of us, not only politicians, but from households to entrepreneurs to professional organizations in the process of growing our country. Economic management must continue reforms. As a private sector, we must continue production, employment, investment, exports. We need to focus on the outside, not the inside; the opportunities, not the risks. We must proceed cautiously but decisively in 2020. That's what we have to do for it, and we're going to consult with you today. You're going to give us our homework. We will work on them in Ankara.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, pointing out that he did not do these works alone, “All my Chamber-Commodity Exchange Presidents in Manisa, have taken on the task at TOBB. All of our presidents are always putting in the work and working for Manisa to thrive and prosper. I witnessed this both in Ankara and here. Because they're all colleagues in Ankara. We also benefit from their knowledge at TOBB. From our presidents to their administrations, from the councils to women and young entrepreneurs, from secretariats to academic advisors and employees, Allah bless them all.”

- Manisa Chamber and Commodity Exchange Presidents

Manisa CCI President Mehmet Yılmaz said in his speech that Manisa is the second province in exports after İzmir in the Aegean, “They ask what the chambers do. Manisa OIZ was established with great support and efforts of our Chamber, which is also viewed as one of the top 10 regions to invest in by Chinese investors. We will double Manisa's current OIZ potential. We are at the top ranks of R&D and innovation. We're seventh out of 81 provinces. We are working for high efficiency and added value production. Turkey has no choice but to work and produce. We need to focus entirely on these issues.”

Manisa Commodity Exchange President Sadık Özkasap also touched on the city's export potential, noting that Manisa continues to be at the top ranks of the country's agriculture. Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed that they have risen to very good levels across the country with its capacity in the olive and olive oil sector, which is important for the economy, and emphasized that the areas devoted to cotton production have increased in the city as a result of the support given to cotton production.

Özkasap added that they are pleased that the seasonal loan support program, which is implemented by Turkish Eximbank, has become an ongoing program to ensure seasonal workers’ access to finance.

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