Honorary Doctorate from Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University to Hisarcıklıoğlu


10.02.2020 Kahramanmaraş

As per Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University (KSU) senate decision, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu was presented an honorary doctorate. Hisarcıklıoğlu gave a speech at the ceremony, thanking the students for the title he was awarded, urging students to be entrepreneurs.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu gave leadership and entrepreneurship advice to students after the presentation of an honorary doctorate by KSU Rector Prof. Dr. Niyazi Can. Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that Kahramanmaraş is one of the most important symbols in the history of the nation’s war for independence, “The civil resistance that began when the Sütçü İmam fired the first bullet against the French occupation spread throughout the city. People of Maraş alone saved their city, then rushed to the aid of the surrounding provinces. He deserved his hero title to the fullest.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that he sees the future of the country in the young, “I'm hopeful. I'm working more eagerly. Our university has written its success story. Although it is quite young when looking at the world's best universities, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam University is among the most established educational institutions in Turkey today with 11 faculties, 4 colleges and 22 research and application centers. You have one of the largest campuses in Turkey, enabling all kinds of scientific, social, cultural and sporting activities. You work closely with business people in the area. Thus, you are supporting the development of the region and our country, not just Kahramanmaraş.”

- Entrepreneurship lesson from Hisarcıklıoğlu to young people

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said that he always speaks about entrepreneurship when he sees young people and that the path to prosperity is through entrepreneurship. Hisarcıklıoğlu, who shared the findings of a foreign author in 1912, noting that people wanted to be civil servants or soldiers at the time. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that entrepreneurship was not reputable in those days, while today, countries have come to import entrepreneurs and the solution of unemployment and prosperity come with entrepreneurship.

The TOBB President, who stated that the power of nations in the world is measured not their arms but by its entrepreneurial power, gave examples of the Soviet Union and Germany-Japan. Pointing out that the Soviet Union, one of the two superpowers of its time, collapsed because it lacked entrepreneurs and that after WWII, Germany and Japan were back on their feet thanks to entrepreneurs.

- More entrepreneurs needed

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the solution of unemployment is in entrepreneurship, “We need to get more entrepreneurs! With this vision, I have traveled every step of our country. I spoke about entrepreneurship. We have established the largest women's and young entrepreneur councils in Turkey. We founded TOBB University of Economics and Technology. If you were to ask me to summarize entrepreneurship in a single sentence, I would say, for me, the entrepreneur is the one who crosses the boundaries. Who did you think of when talking about space exploration? Russia and the United States. In space, two countries wage a power struggle. Now it's not a country when it comes to space – it’s Elon Musk. So how to become an entrepreneur? It's very important to dream in entrepreneurship. I've been an entrepreneur for 40 years, and I still dream every day. Muhammad Ali says, ‘A man without imagination has no wings.’ It's the only area we don't have borders. You have to combine the dream with the goal. If you don't set a target, you're a dreamer. The target must be big.

Remember, there's no success without hard work. Mehmet Akif says, 'Those who come from behind crush those who sleep on the road.’ There's no right to life for those who stop. Humanity doesn't stop. If you stop, you'll be crushed. I still don't leave TOBB before midnight.

Another important issue is innovation. This is actually bringing new traditions to the old village! Innovation is to invent. To do what is not done or to do what is done in a new way.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu gave examples of Nokia, iPhone, Uber, Airbnb and Whatsapp on this issue. Focusing on the importance of branding, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Whatever you do, make it a brand! Turkey is a great paradise! There's no better! This year, Spain reached Turkey's 12-month tourism revenue in 5.5 months. Kahramanmaraş is doing well. You have 12 geographically marked products, and Kahramanmaraş ice cream is one of them.  You have introduced it all over Turkey. Now you're introducing it to the world. As a son of this country, I want to thank you all for preserving our values.  You shouldn't be afraid to take risks. A man who's not brave can't be an entrepreneur. The key to success is not giving up! Behind the great achievements is the failure and perseverance. The one who doesn't get tired of losing wins. Edison, who invented the light bulb, has a much-loved saying, Edison says: If I failed 10,000 times, I wouldn't despair.  Every mistake is part of the path going forward.”

- Improve the culture of partnership

Focusing on the importance of the partnership culture, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Of course, we need to develop a culture of partnership. Those who partner will always go higher. We have to stop this habit of jealousy. Grace and prosperity in unity; anguish in dissent.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that everyone should have their own principles, and explained his own principles: “Savings are what will net profit; the trick is honesty; check first, trust afterwards; trusting memory is always wrong; there can be no covering for work.”

The TOBB President said, “Get out of your comfort zone! What does that mean? I call it ‘Active laziness’ in Turkish. I mean, you're doing something, but you always do the same thing. And you expect different results. Whereas everything's moving, everything's changing. Active laziness is the equivalent of doing nothing! It only provides psychological relief. What's the biggest difference between humans and animals?  Looking for innovation. The ant builds its home the same way he built it 1,000 years ago. Mevlana has a good saying: Yesterday was yesterday, my dear. You have to say something new today. Be different! Be a citizen of the world. Travel a lot, learn new cultures. Never stop reading, researching. But don't believe everything you hear either. We are living in the time of post-truth. Most of the information circulating online on social media is unfounded, consciously crafted content to manipulate you. Be aware of that! Question everything! Seek the truth! In every job you do, in every environment you are in, be conscientious. Be fair. Work for a world where right makes might, not might makes right. And don't marginalize each other. Don't view those around you as the other. Presserve your unity. I'm hopeful for the future of my country.”

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