NGOs jointly decry the attack on Turkish forces in Idlib; express support for Operation Spring Shield


02.03.2020 Ankara

At the TOBB Twin Towers, nearly 30 major professional organizations, trade union confederations and non-governmental organizations, issued a joint statement regarding the treacherous attack in Idlib.

Simultaneous press conferences were held in 81 provinces with the participation of provincial representatives of the organizations which attended the meeting in Ankara. During the press release at the TOBB Twin Towers, 7 provinces representing the regions (Batman, Denizli, Edirne, Hatay, Gaziantep, Trabzon, Van) were contacted live.

The joint declaration read by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, is as follows:

“Currently, in 81 provinces, Turkey's leading 30 professional organizations, trade union confederations and non-governmental organizations are making this statement together.

We stood by our nation and our state at every critical time.

We acted with responsibility.

Today, we are showing our joint reaction to the treacherous attack in Idlib.

First of all, may Allah bless the spirits of all our heroic soldiers who were martyred in their mission to defend the peace, security of the homeland and the oppressed. May Allah make the abode of our martyrs a paradise. May patience and fortitude be given to their relatives and urgent healing to the wounded. I'm sorry for the loss of our nation.

Our troops were in Idlib, protecting both our country's borders and the oppressed.

Because the persecution in Syria, the brutal slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians, the expulsion of millions from their homes, the land; the world remained silent.

Unfortunately, Turkey's peace-oriented efforts have not been reciprocated by many countries.

We're calling again from here.

There is a regime which has not taken on its share of humanity; disregarding all moral, human and religious values, targeting even the lives of its own citizens, driving them from their country.

It is driving Syria to more and more severe destruction every day.

Finally, the regime forces, by not complying with agreements, ambushed our soldiers in treachery.

This attack can never be acceptable.

Therefore, we cannot be expected to remain silent against these regime elements that slaughter innocent people and pose a clear threat to the security of our country.

It is our historical, human and conscientious responsibility to protect the right of our Syrian brothers and sisters who have historical and cultural ties and who have fled the persecution of the regime.

So far, the Turkish State and Armed Forces have given the strongest answer to terrorist organizations and their supporters with the Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch and Peace Spring Operations.

Of course, the perpetrators of this brutal attack will pay the price.

They’ve begun paying with Operation Spring Shield.

And let everyone know that we are a nation that knows how to overcome all manner of challenges.

When it comes to the homeland, we put aside all political and intellectual divisions.

Now we act in unity and solidarity, showing patience and fraternity.

We hold the interests of our country above all else.

Today we are stronger than ever; we are united, whole and together. As the business community and NGOs representing all parts of Turkey, we have closed ranks under our flag.

We stand with our state and our heroic armed forces, who are fighting decisively against the murderous regime.

We stand by every decision and every step to be taken for the establishment of peace.

May Allah bless our country, preserve the unity and persistence of our nation, and make our army victorious.

Now we're going to make a live connection to the seven provinces representing their regions.

Provinces contacted via teleconference:


Batman CCI President Abdülkadir Demir


Denizli CC President Uğur Erdogan


Edirne President Recep Zıpkınkurt


Gaziantep CI President Adnan Ünverdi


Hatay CCI President Hikmet Çinçin


Trabzon CCI Suat Hacisalihoğlu


Van CCI President Necdet Takva


Organizations participating in the joint statement:

§ Anatolian Lions Businessmen's Association (ASKON)

§ Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK)

§ Confederation of Rights Workers' Unions (HAK-İŞ)

§ Association of Women Entrepreneurs (KAGİDER)

§ Confederation of Civil Servants' Unions (MEMUR-SEN)

§ Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (MÜSIAD)

§ Senior Organization of Organized Industrial Zones (OSBÜK)

§ All Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (TÜMSİAD)

§ Turkish Industry and Businesspeople Association (TÜSİAD)

§ Turkish Veterinary Physicians Association

§ Turkish Bar Association (TBB)

§ Turkish Pensioners Association (TÜED)

§ Confederation of Tradesmen and Artisans of Turkey (TESK)

§ Turkish Young Businessmen's Association (TÜGİAD)

§ Confederation of Young Businessmen of Turkey (TÜGİK)

§ Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM)

§ Turkish Business Women's Association (TİKAD)

§ Confederation of Turkish Labor Unions (TURK-İŞ)

§ Confederation of Employers' Unions of Turkey (TİSK)

§ Confederation of Public Employees Unions of Turkey (KAMU-SEN)

§ Turkish Contractors Association (TMB)

§ Turkish Notaries Association

§ The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

§ The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Women Entrepreneurs Council

§ The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Young Entrepreneurs Council

§ Union of Chambers of Financial Advisors and Chartered Accountants of Turkey (TÜRMOB)

§ Turkish Association of Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB)

§ Turkish Tourism Investors Association (TTYD)

§ Union of Agricultural Chambers of Turkey (TZOB)

§ International Investors Association (YASED)

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