Joint statement from non-governmental organizations


04.04.2020 Ankara

Turkey's leading professional organizations, trade union confederations and non-governmental organizations have made a joint statement regarding the fight against the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19), which is effective in Turkey as well as all over the world.

The joint statement reads:

"Now all the world is suffering from the Covid-19 outbreak, which has been described as one of the worst disasters of the last century.

After two wars, we're having to deal with the biggest crisis the world has recently faced.

Everyone's nervous and worried about what day he's going to wake up tomorrow.

Many of us are in voluntary quarantine.

Currently, this virus has spread to 174 countries around the world.

Our country is fighting against it together.

In this process, we would like to express our gratitude to all our employees, entrepreneurs and employers who are hard at work, especially our health care workers.

In this case, what we need to do is be in solidarity.

The 83 million is fighting this epidemic together.

To show everyone that we are one, that we are great, that we are alive.

It is time to protect both our employees and our companies by taking the measures set against the corona virus and following the rules.

To continue to produce while maintaining our production and service capacity to protect employment.

For this reason, our Government has significantly improved the requirements for benefiting from the Short Work Allowance.

The number of documents required for the application has been reduced.

Now we all say together:

'Don't lay off your employee, protect your employment, the resource you need is in the Short Work Allowance.' Our companies that stop or reduce their activities can cover the salaries of their employees for 3 months.

We call on all our companies to use this opportunity.

Let's join hands, let's put these hard days behind us.

God says to help us all, and we salute you with respect."


Organizations participating in the joint statement:

1. Anatolian Lions Businessmen's Association (ASKON)

2. Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK)

3. Confederation of Workers' Rights Unions (HAK-İŞ)

4. Association of Women Entrepreneurs (KAGİDER)

5. Confederation of Civil Servants' Unions (MEMUR-SEN)

6. Independent Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (MÜSIAD)

7. Organized Industrial Zones High Council (OSBUK)

8. All Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (TÜMSİAD)

9. Confederation of Turkish Enterprise and Business (TÜRKONFED)

10. Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (TÜSİAD)

11. Turkish Veterinary Physicians Association

12. Turkish Bar Association (TBB)

13. Turkish Pensioners Association (TÜED)

14. Turkish Tradesmen and Artisans Credit and Bail Cooperatives Associations Central (TESKOMB)

15. Confederation of Tradesmen and Artisans of Turkey (TESK)

16. Turkish Association of Young Businessmen (TÜGİAD)

17. Confederation of Young Businessmen of Turkey (TÜGİK)

18. Turkish Exporters' Council (TIM)

19. Turkish Businesswomen's Association (TIKAD)

20. Confederation of Turkish Labor Unions (TURK-IS)

21. Confederation of Employers' Unions of Turkey (TISK)

22. Confederation of Public Employees Unions of Turkey (KAMU-SEN)

23. Turkish Contractors Association (TMB)

24. Turkish Notaries Association

25. Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

26. Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Women Entrepreneurs Board

27. Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Young Entrepreneurs Board

28. Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB)

29. International Investors Association (YASED)

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