TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu’s call on banks


07.04.2020 Ankara

Urging all banks to support the companies that are in trouble, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Our companies are being turned down by banks without their applications even being processed, saying that 'they’ve reached their limit.’ I want to issue a call to all the banks. This is neither the time to think of profitability, nor play favorites.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in a statement on the subject:

“The whole world is going through a very difficult period because of the coronavirus outbreak. During this period, the activities of many of our businesses in our country have been temporarily stopped. Apart from a few sectors, all our companies have significant turnover losses.

During this period, our government has announced many measures to keep the economic effects under control. The main backbone of these measures is tax deferrals, short work allowances and low-cost operating loans. All three measures are crucial for the continuation of the activities of our companies and the protection of employment.

KGF's bail capacity was increased by 250 billion liras, especially within the scope of measures announced by our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in order to achieve the expansion of credit.

However, complaints from 81 provinces to our chambers and exchanges show that these loans are difficult to reach for our companies that are suffering from financing shortages by banks. Our companies are being turned down by banks without their applications even being processed, saying that 'they’ve reached their limit’. There are even criticisms that loans are being used by large companies with high credit score, not our companies that are adversely affected by the coronavirus.

I want to issue a call to all the banks. This is neither the time to think of profitability, nor play favorites. We're all in the same boat. Without the real sector, there's no banking sector. Our government already takes 80% of the risk. I call on all our banks to support all our companies that are in trouble.”

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