“We strive to protect the health of our people and to overcome this troubled period with minimal damage”


22.04.2020 Ankara

The Short Work Allowance Information Seminar was held through a webinar with the participation of Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the relevant bureaucrats, organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB).

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said at the opening of the seminar that they are living together one of the important breaking points of history, “Humanity is under threat from an unseen enemy, attacking all without regards to race, religion, rich or poor. The first priority of countries was to take and implement protective measures for the health of their citizens. We are working with our Ministers under the leadership of our President. We strive to protect the health of our people and to overcome this troubled period with minimal damage."

Noting that Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk undertook one of the heavier duties in this process, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “You work day and night with your team to protect both employees and employers, as well as households and families. We have been in constant consultation with you from day one. We share with you the problems and suggestions from our Chambers and Sector Councils in 81 Provinces.”

Stating that Family, Labour and Social Services Minister Selçuk immediately took action with the outbreak in Turkey, the TOBB President said, “First of all, the scope of the Short Working System has been expanded, and applications facilitated. The day limit and the number of documents have been reduced by the initiatives of our minister. In order for the applications to be finalized more quickly, they were made electronically. The current structure of the system would prevent payments from happening on time. We have requested that payments can be made without a compliance review. As a result of your initiatives, the necessary legal arrangements were made last week. Again, on the orders of our Minister, the ministry units began to help our business world. İŞKUR and Chamber Presidents together, informed the public of the Short Work Allowance.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed that there have been some disruptions because there were applications far above the estimates for the Short Work Allowance, “The number of applications made in this process has reached several times the number in the 15-year period. We share every hardship with our Ministry. We believe that these will be resolved in a short time.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they will survive this troubled period with minimal damage and continue to work together again for Turkey's development.

- Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk

Family, Labour and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk noted that steps have been taken to facilitate the services of SGK and İŞKUR during the pandemic process, the economic stability shield package under the leadership of President Erdoğan has been announced, and the package boasts 100 billion TRY in resources.

After the package, they began to implement measures that were not found in economic and social life, Selçuk said, and that the comprehensive commissioning of the Short Work Allowance was one of them.

Selçuk stated that the number of bonus payment days required to benefit from the allowance were reduced from 600 to 450 days; 120 days of service contract to 60, “Thus, we aim to provide an income support to our employees and increase the economic resistance of our employers.”

Reporting that 60 percent of the workers’ last 12 months of premium basic earnings were paid by İŞKUR, this corresponds to 75-78 percent of the worker's net wage, Selçuk also noted that the general health insurance premiums of the workers who benefit from the allowance were also paid.

Throughout this recent period, Selçuk reported said that they received applications which exceed the number of applications from the last 15 years in total, an average of 100,000 requests per day, and that the easing of the conditions for benefiting from the allowance increased the number of applications.

Selçuk said that easing measures were taken to make payments in this process, and that they left the process for determinations after payment with the latest legal arrangement, which accelerated payments.

Selçuk, reported that the payments for March have been completed.

Selçuk reminded that arrangements were made to restrict the termination of the work contract in order to protect workers and employment, so that businesses will adapt more easily to production without losing any workers when the wheels start to spin at their old speed.

With the restriction of termination, the pandemic period free leave cash fee support was implemented and those who benefited from it are covered by general health insurance premiums, Selçuk noted that for this year, 75 TRY minimum wage support will be maintained, so that close to 7 billion TRY of support will be provided over the minimum wage.

- Applications for more than 3 million workers from up to 270,000 companies

Selçuk, in regards to Short Work Allowance applications, said, “So far we have had more than 3 million applications, close to 270,000 companies are concerned. The reach of 3 million applications shows that our employers are keeping their employment contracts. All our employees have already been protected from employment with the restriction of termination."

Selçuk, who conveyed statistics on the number of workers and sectors of the workplaces where applications came from, said that the measures to be taken according to this data will be discussed.

One of the most important issues is the proper implementation of short work allowance applications, Selçuk said, some applications received with repeated or missing ones reported.

Selçuk emphasized that there are no restrictions on the sector or the number of workers in benefiting from the allowance, and said that all businesses can apply.

Selçuk said, “We are in an extraordinary situation. The whole world is trying to fight the pandemic. With the measures we have taken on health, economy, working life and social life from the very beginning, we are currently successfully carrying out the process. We're trying to execute it quickly. This is happening with your support on the field.”

Workers, employers and the state will survive this process in the spirit of national mobilization, Selçuk noted, the economy revived, said they believe that production will continue more vividly than before.

Selçuk, "Everyone's only goal is not to leave our employees’ income unsupported. That's the instruction we got from our President. We will be with our employees, we will protect employment, we will make the economic and financial resistance of our businesses and companies strong."

- “We believe employment will increase”

Minister Selçuk, answered questions after the statements.

To the question of “Are all sectors benefiting from short work allowance?”, Selçuk reiterated that there are no sector restrictions on this issue, that everyone can apply.

Selçuk stated that they are looking for eligibility in the applications; the company is either completely stopped work or working at a third of its capacity.

Stating that the Unemployment Insurance Fund exists both to increase the resistance of the employer and to protect the employment of the employee on such days, Selçuk asked employers for a promise to increase employment after the coronavirus.

Selçuk said that she believes Turkey will be able to say to the world: “We have survived the pandemic process and closed this year by increasing employment,” noting the importance of TOBB’s leadership.

Selçuk stated that a message is sent to the employer regarding the short work allowance informing them that their application has been accepted, said, “We will convert the eligibility determination to after payment. At this stage, our most important goal for April-May is to be able to reach this quickly.”

Selçuk pointed out that eligibility determinations will be easier, unlike as in the past.

TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, answering Minister Selçuk’s question in regards to how many jobs will be provided at the end of the year, said, “That will depend on what will the effect of the coronavirus be on the world, the Turkish economy, the impact on the world economy. We, as Turkish employers, are especially proud of the number of people we employ.”

Indicating that employers will conduct a survey Hisarcıklıoğlu, said that they will communicate this to the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services with İŞKUR.

Minister Selçuk, at the end of the program, celebrating the National Sovereignty and Children's Day on April 23rd, “We are coming to the end of a century. Hopefully, we will witness a more prosperous, more dynamic, productive period of Turkey in the future.”

Selçuk, urging to comply with the social distancing by staying at home against the pandemic during Ramadan, said that this process has shown that employers and employees can overcome Turkey's challenges.

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