Hisarcıklıoğlu met with chambers/exchanges presidents at Marmara Region meeting


15.05.2020 Ankara

President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), attended the Marmara Regional meeting held via video conference and held consultations with the heads of the regional chambers/commodity exchanges.

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that, in the process of fighting the pandemic, a greater task and responsibility falls to chambers and exchanges, “We, by taking on the role of a bridge between the business world and the government, convey the problems in the field, as quickly as we can. In this context, in March, when the outbreak began, we presented the government with a 70-point set of proposals with information we received from you. A lot of them have come to life, and they continue to pass. Then we continued to communicate our problems and suggestions in consultation with you. Because it's a dynamic process. Every day, a new issue, a new nuisance arises. Therefore, we are in contact with our members without any interruptions and continue to note their difficulties and suggestions.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the chambers/exchanges in the Marmara region are also working with this vision, “I am also proud to see that you continue to serve our members. You, all my presidents, are working hard and diligently, keeping the pulse of our members, and becoming interpreters for them. You take suggestions and pass them on to us. Every topic you bring up here today, we're going to convey to the relevant ministers tonight. Thus, we will solve the problems of our members, our community, a little bit and relieve them.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu, while taking measures in the field of health of the government on the one hand, on the other hand, preparing and implementing measures to keep the economy alive, “Praise Allah, we have started to talk about the normalization process. As TOBB, we contribute to the support packages prepared for the economy, and now we contribute to the planning of the normalization process. Of course, here we need to adjust the balance between health and livelihood. I believe that if we carry out the normalization process in a well-planned manner, we will overcome this process with minimal damage. Hopefully we will leave these difficult days behind together.”

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