Hisarcıklıoğlu: “Choose TOBB and TOBB ETU supported vocational schools in LGS”


17.07.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President and TOBB ETU Board of Trustees Chairman M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, said that after LGS 2020, students and their families have reached an important stage, and at this point they want to remind them of a very important option supported by the chamber and commodity exchange community. Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Your diploma will be your profession,” and invited young people to choose from the 103 schools in 81 provinces within the scope of the program they started as Ministry of National Education (MEB), TOBB and TOBB University of Economics and Technology (ETU).

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “LGS 2020 results have been announced. It is time for our students who have undergone a challenging exam preparation period with the influence of the pandemic to make their choices. I believe that at the end of their choices, they will settle in our schools, which will prepare our students for the future. At this point, I call on our young people to choose from the 103 schools in 81 provinces within the scope of the program we started as MEB, TOBB and TOBB ETU. By choosing these schools, our young people will also be entering through gates where we will train them to be experts. The youth who choose these schools will have a diploma and a profession.”


- We are not training intermediate workers, we are educating sought-after personnel


Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that they have initiated a major change and transformation in vocational high schools as MEB, TOBB and TOBB ETU, and said that with the Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol signed on February 26, 2019, they have moved to a “new and dynamic” vocational training model in accordance with the qualifications of the age to train the qualified workforce needed by the private sector.


Hisarcıklıoğlu mentioned that they started their work with 81 vocational high schools in 81 provinces within the scope of the protocol, “Currently, 103 project schools in 81 provinces are a part of the Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol. Behind our schools, there is the support of MEB, TOBB and TOBB ETU, and the support of our Chambers and Exchanges in provinces and districts. The youth who choose our schools will not be 'intermediate workers', they will be ‘sough-after staff' when they graduate. The youth who graduate from these schools will have a diploma, a profession.”


- Scholarship opportunities for successful students


Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that they integrate the real sector with vocational education, but also said that they aim to educate young people who will produce more inventions and more patents in the field of high technology, which will be the entrepreneurs of the future. Hisarcıklıoğlu, “In 103 schools in 81 provinces; we are building new workshops and laboratories, renovating existing ones. We are launching R&D and Design Skills Workshops that will be an example to all of Turkey. With the support of TOBB ETU, we provide scholarships to our successful students with the support of our Chambers and Exchanges while preparing the best educational content and internship system for our young people. As the president of the Turkish business world, I invite our young people to choose from among our 103 schools in 81 provinces and to become experts.”

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