TOBB ETU Tashkent branch opens


27.07.2020 Ankara

Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) University of Economics and Technology (ETU) is establishing a university in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Speaking at the video conference on the subject, TOBB President and Chairman of the TOBB ETU Board of Trustees M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Uzbekistan is the heart of Asia. It is the shining star of Central Asia, both culturally and economically. Our elders such as Imam Buhari, Imam Maturidi, Ali Kuşçu and Ali Shir Nevai, who have marked our civilization with their knowledge, all came from here in Uzbekistan.”

Having been received on October 4th, 2019, by Uzbekistan President Shevket Mirziyoyev's, Hisarcıklıoğlu, “At this meeting, President Mirziyoyev gave many tasks to the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey with his visionary approach. Of course, the most important of these tasks, I think, was the opening of the Tashkent branch of TOBB University of Economics and Technology. We started working with Adkham right away. President Mirziyoyev came to our country on February 19th, 2020. During this visit, we had the opportunity to tell them about our projects. the cooperation agreement for the establishment of Uzbekistan CCI and TOBB ETU in Tashkent were signed then and there. TOBB ETU Tashkent, Uzbekistan Ministry of Education, Tashkent University of Economics, Uzbekistan CCI are being established together.”

Stating that the university to be established in Uzbekistan has similar curriculums and programs with TOBB ETU, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We will now start implementing the same in Tashkent. TOBB ETU Tashkent will have two academic programs at the beginning. The first is the International Entrepreneurship Program. Second, the e-Commerce and Technology Management Program. We specifically chose these two issues. Because entrepreneurship and e-commerce are the most prominent issues in today's global economy. Uzbekistan is the heart of Asia. It is the shining star of Central Asia, both culturally and economically. Our elders such as Imam Buhari, Imam Maturidi, Ali Kuşçu and Ali Shir Nevai, who have marked our civilization with their knowledge, all came from here in Uzbekistan.”

Stating that Uzbekistan has a very young population and is one of the countries with high potential in its region, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Today, I believe that Uzbekistan has a great future with its young and dynamic population, historical accumulation, strategic location, rich natural resources and evolving industry approaching 35 million. Therefore, while global economies are reshaping, Uzbekistan is the most suitable country to be the center of entrepreneurship in this region. Today, cross-country riches are emerging by the number of entrepreneurs which countries have created. The potential is there in Uzbekistan, and we define our relations between Turkey and Uzbekistan as a strategic partnership based on strong fraternity ties based on our common history, language and culture. In that succinct statement of the late Abdullah Aripov, the national poet of Uzbekistan, 'Our language is one, our religion is one, our faith is one,'”

Stating that the Turkish-Uzbekistan brotherhood is an ancient brotherhood stretching to the distant past, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Last year in Baku, with the full membership of Uzbekistan to the Turkic Council, this association between us was further strengthened. In Uzbekistan, we also appreciate the reform process under the strong and decisive leadership of President Mirziyoyev. Our country is among the countries that establish the most companies with foreign capital. As turkey's business community, we will continue to stand with Uzbekistan and our Uzbek brothers. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our Presidents and esteemed academicians, who have not spared any support from us for TOBB ETU to open branches in Uzbekistan.”

Turkish Ambassador to Tashkent Mehmet Süreyya Er said that relations between the two countries are at a good level and that work is continuing to bring them to better places.

Dr. Adkham Ikramov, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, noted that relations between Turkey and Uzbekistan are very good and that this university, which was established to further them, is a step forward. Noting that he had seen Hisarcıklıoğlu at the first Friday prayers at Hagia Sophia-i Kebir Cami-i Sharifi and expressed that he was very happy, İkramov expressed that he is looking forward to praying at the Hagia Sophia-i Kebir Cami-i Sharifi.

TOBB ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Güven Sak also said that they have already received 200 applications for the university established in Tashkent. Prof. Dr. Sak added that Uzbekistan has a great potential for education.

Attending the videoconference were Turkish Ambassador to Tashkent Mehmet Süreyya Er, TOBB President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of TOBB ETU M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry Secretary General Adem Kula, Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Dr. Adkham Ikramov, TOBB ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Güven Sak.

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