“Antalya is an excellent city”


25.09.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the 4th State Support Summit organized by Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ATSO) via webinar with the participation of Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his speech that Antalya is an excellent city as a center for agriculture, tourism, trade and technology. “As befits such a city, Antalya CCI is providing guidance and adds value to the growth of SMEs. Antalya CCI is involved in all the works that will benefit and add value to the economy of Antalya.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that achieving public support has become even more important during the pandemic, “At this point, our Antalya TSO took a very apt step and met dozens of public institutions with our entrepreneurs here. It has also attracted great interest and demand from our community. I would like to thank all those who have contributed and all the public institutions that have contributed here, especially our President Davut Çetin.

Our Minister of Commerce, Ruhsar Pekcan, honored us with their participation. Also in this last period, in the incentives and support implemented, our valued Minister has had great efforts and efforts. I would like to thank them in particular on behalf of our entire private sector.

KGF supports provided by our government, credit packages, deferred tax and SSI contributions, more effective and widespread use of applications such as short work for employment, various tax cuts, has seen very important functions and ensured the standing of our real sector.”

The more efficient and widespread use of applications provided by our government, such as KGF supports, credit packages, deferred tax and SSI contributions, short work for employment, various tax cuts, has seen very important functions and ensured the standing of our real sector.”

Stating that TOBB has organized meetings to promote these practices to the business world, the TOBB President said, “Chambers and Exchanges and 61 Sector Council have collected the complaint and proposals, conveying them to our Ministers. Many of our demands and proposals have come to life and continue to pass. Of course, there are many other issues which we are following up.”

- Minister of Commerce Pekcan

Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan stated that Turkey, as a country with big goals in economic development and development, Turkey has to maintain its dynamism in exports, adding, “Increasing exports based on technology, R&D, design and added value with our export supports in line with Turkey's economic development goals is among our top priorities.”

In the current situation where the global economy has fallen due to the pandemic, many developed and developing countries give different kinds of support to businesses and SMEs, Pekcan said that the effective use of resources and the need for results-oriented implementation of government support is necessary.

Pekcan expressed that all types of support ranging from expo supports to R&D, market entry documents, international unit brand support to design support to “TURQUALITY” support, are actually rings on the same chain and have integrity, and stressed that it is very important that such supports are known and well understood by the target audience.

Pekcan also noted that a Service Sector Competitiveness Boost Project Support (HISER) project being carried out by Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the health tourism sector has been approved.

- Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Davut Çetin

Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ATSO) President Davut Çetin, thanks to the success shown by the certificate of safe tourism reported that the city welcomed around 2.5 million foreign visitors.

Çetin stated that they now hold their meeting in halls in previous years in a virtual environment, and said that the coronavirus affects all sectors.

Pointing to the importance of Antalya in the field of tourism, Çetin said, “Antalya tourism has shown a success with its safe tourism certificate and has welcomed around 2.5 million foreign visitors. However, due to the world conditions, the number of visitors has decreased.”

Stressing that tourism is close to 25% in Antalya while its share in Turkey's national GDP is 3.4%, Çetin suggested that support for urban tourism and tourism-related businesses should be maintained until the end of 2021.

Explaining that it is difficult for the state and banks to support all sectors and businesses, Çetin said that taking into account the situation of provinces, sectors and enterprises, it can be supported selectively.

Çetin said that production and exports are increasing in the agricultural sector, but revenue growth lags behind input costs.

Çetin pointed out that one condition of the new normal in the economy is digital transformation, noting that successful economies and businesses in digital transformation will come out faster and stronger from this period.

Çetin said it is important to tell SMEs that the main solution is not credit and VAT reduction, but innovation, digital transformation, branding and investment in human resources.

Emphasizing that the number of countries they export to increased to 161 last year with the support given, Çetin said, “Despite the pandemic this year, our exports of fruits and vegetables have increased by 29%.”

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