Hisarcıklıoğlu gave women entrepreneurs advice


03.10.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Council (KGK) meeting held via video conference and gave advice to women entrepreneurs. TOBB KGK President Nurten Öztürk and TOBB Council Member Cengiz Günay also attended the meeting.

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the pandemic brought with it opportunities as well as difficulties, “We saw how important digital transformation is in this process. I find it very useful for our Women Entrepreneurs Councils to focus on digitalization and to bring innovative projects to the agenda. Be sure to take your business online. Be digital, not just in e-commerce, but from customer relationships to advertising and marketing. Because the fastest way to close the distance with men, is to use technology.”

Stating that women entrepreneurs have implemented many beautiful and exemplary projects in this field so far, Hisarcıklıoğlu asked them to carry out projects in the new era, with new projects, that will bring women entrepreneurs to the forefront locally.

Recommending making more use of KOSGEB and Development Agencies Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Apply for projects. There's plenty of resources in this field. Keep in close cooperation with universities. Have a good dialogue with chamber and commodity exchange heads, mayors and governors. Look, there are more and more women in chambers and exchanges. 10 years ago, there were 102 women board and council members, and now that number has risen to 275. 10 years ago, only one of the council presidents and the council of directors was a woman, now it's 9. I hope we will see more women in office.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu urged members of the TOBB KGK to develop dialogue and consultation with the executive committee and the provincial councils.

“Birds of a feather stick together,” Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Use social media effectively and support each other. To support you, I follow you and share your joint activities. organize the Provincial Councils more frequently during this pandemic. Note requests and hardships from the field, consult in meetings and move them to our Provincial Executive Boards. Organize the meetings of the Provincial Executive Board every month without disruption and send requests, hardships and projects to our Upper Council and to us. In addition, make sure to relay the projects that are well implemented in your province and region us through our members of the executive council. Organize video conferences based on women's entrepreneurship and bring together successful businesspeople with our entrepreneurial candidates.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the service sector is one of the sectors most affected by the epidemic, “This is a sector where a lot of women entrepreneurs are active in. At TOBB, we have taken on the role of bridge between business and the government during this troubled period. We quickly convey the difficulties on the field to our government. In March, when the epidemic began, we compiled requests from women's and young entrepreneur councils, sectors and chambers/exchanges. We presented the 70-item proposal set we created to our President. A large part of them have come to life and continue to pass.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that every day they encounter new problems and they relay these problems and solution proposals to the relevant Ministers one on one.

Hisarcıklıoğlu gave brief information about the issues they are following up on, “Tax-SSI payments should receive the opportunity to extend maturity. Outstanding receivables in the public sector must be paid. Special financing packages should be issued to sectors most affected, such as education and tourism. Short work allowance implementation should continue until at least the end of 2020. YEKDEM costs on industrialists should be reduced, GEKAP-related burdens should be reduced/the application should be postponed until 2021 and the articles against the agencies should be changed in the Insurance Agents Regulation.”

TOBB KGK President Nurten Öztürk said that no matter the scale of the work, the important thing is not to leave the job unfinished.

In her speech, Öztürk personally gave information about the social projects they have carried out so far.

“You have very valuable projects. We will further develop these projects. We need to start a hygiene campaign. Together we will work for a clean Turkey. Your excitement is our excitement.” Öztürk said the number of women entrepreneurs should increase.

Later, the heads of the provincial KGK relayed their problems and solution proposals.

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