Çerkezköy Industrial Fair opened online


06.10.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the opening of the Çerkezköy Industrial Fair, which was organized in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Çerkezköy and the Thracia Development Agency and held online due to the pandemic this year.

In his opening speech, Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed his pleasure that Çerkezköy, one of Turkey's major industrial centers, works and produces with determination, despite the global epidemic.

Stating that Çerkezköy continues to make a name for itself by revealing the best products at the virtual fair, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our producers, industrialists, entrepreneurs and employees, contributing to the advancement of our city with value-added products, branding the name of Çerkezköy. I wish success to all our companies which have signed on to this success and opened a stand for our fair.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu congratulated Çerkezköy CCI President Süleyman Kozuva and those who contributed to the implementation of this important fair by moving it online.

Stating that, throughout this troubled process, TOBB is in the field and continues to work, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Thanks to our Chamber-Commodity Exchange Presidents, our members have been in constant consultation, collected their problems and demands. They’ve passed it on to us. Your voice and representative under the direction of TOBB, together with Tekirdağ CCI President Mr. Cengiz Günay, we conveyed all this to our President and Ministers. Our government has implemented many of these. Provided KGF supports, deferred tax and SSI contributions, lowering the various financial burdens on us, ensured the standing of our real sector. After that, together with my Chamber-Commodity Exchange Presidents, we continue to make your voice heard and be an interpreter for their troubles.”

- Speaker of the Parliament Şentop

Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop also said that as a son of Thrace and Tekirdağ, he cares very much about every work done in the region and in the city.

“I have been a close witness from the beginning of the efforts of the President of our Chamber of Commerce and Industry and members of the board of directors for the Online Çerkezköy Industrial Fair,” Şentop said, stating that he agreed to stand by them and offer support for the activities of the businessmen.

Şentop said that Çerkezköy is a district with a rapidly developing economy in recent years and its population is growing rapidly, and it has increased its importance in the region and the country's economy.

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