“The mining industry needs additional support”


07.10.2020 Ankara

The TOBB Turkish Mining Council Meeting was held via video conference with the participation of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez.

Hisarcıklıoğlu gave his speech at the opening of the meeting, conveying his thanks to Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez, who supported them during this troubled period, “Mr. Minister made legal and administrative arrangements for our mining sector to survive this difficult process. Some of the financial, administrative and technical obligations of mine license holders have been postponed until September 30, and some until December 31st. Producing no tax debt documents was delayed until September 30. Collection of forest permit fees was stopped for 3 months. All these measures have kept our mining industry afloat. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Minister on behalf of all of us.”

Stressing that the effects of the global economic contraction caused by Covid-19 are still ongoing, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the sector needs additional support, given the extent of the damage.

The TOBB President noted that additional measures are needed regarding taxes, license fees, state rights, financial burden reduction, for miners to protect their existing employment, to continue their presence.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that public receivables should be paid and support that expires at the end of the year should be extended, “To accelerate investment input, license protection must be maintained, and permission processes accelerated. Because Covid-19 has once again highlighted the importance of the three sectors. These are; agriculture for food safety, health to protect against diseases and mining for the safety of raw materials needed by our industry. Therefore, we must keep our mining sector afloat in this process.”

Noting that the Turkish Mining Council accomplished important works in this direction, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that work has begun under the leadership of the Ministry on the Mining Law, sector representatives are active in these efforts, and the public and private sector is targeted to cooperate fully.

- Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Dönmez

Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez also stated that there are many negative impacts on the global economic markets, especially in March and May, on small, medium and large enterprises have disrupted somewhat the progress towards general targets.

Minister Dönmez, some general measures were taken in the energy sector during the epidemic process, stating, “Apart from these general measures, earthquake-affected Malatya and Elazığ royalty and license holders should also give reports, such as the project statements to the end of September, state rights and license fee payments have been extended until December 28th. We also postponed the requirement for the submission of extension documents to the General Directorate of Mines and Petroleum Affairs until the end of the year, 6 months before the extension period with a decision we signed yesterday. Thus, in line with the developing conditions, we’ve taken on our share of the burden without hesitation for more sustainable mining.”

Dönmez emphasized that mining and the environment are not opposing concepts, “Nature is ours, mines too. It is clear by law in which areas mining will be done and which institutions will obtain which permissions for mining activity. In addition, when a mine site is abandoned, the mine owner is obliged to rehabilitate and reforest that site according to his project.”

Dönmez underlined that they will not give up mines or nature with an environmental mining principle, and stressed that environmental investments should be accurately described.

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