Hisarcıklıoğlu met with the Young Entrepreneurs Council


16.10.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu met with the TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Council President Ali Sabancı and Members of the Young Entrepreneurs Council online. Listening to the opinions and suggestions of the Young Entrepreneurs Council Members, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that he considers it beneficial for the Councils to add digitalization and innovative projects to their agendas.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his speech that the pandemic period brings with it opportunities as well as difficulties, “We saw how important technology is in this process.


Digitalization and e-commerce have been prominent all over the world.  Be sure to take your business to digital media. Be digital, not just in e-commerce, but also in all manner of ways from customer relationships to advertising and marketing.”


Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the volume of e-commerce in Turkey increased by 64% in the first 6 months of the year compared to the same period last year, while the overall trade rate of e-commerce in the first half of last year was 8%.


He said it has reached 14% today. “When we look at the world, we see that all rapidly growing companies have chosen the e-commerce path. After Covid-19, the orientation to this area will continue to accelerate. E-commerce will become a habit for the consumer who have started shopping online. Therefore, businesses now have to move their products and services to digital media.”


- We place great importance on digitalization and next generation entrepreneurship


Stating that TOBB is aiming for the digitalization of the private sector and the development of a new generation of entrepreneurship, M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We are preparing companies and entrepreneurs for the digital world.


In this context, we produce projects to move SMEs to digital media and improve their technological infrastructure.  For example, we work with Vodafone, one of the world's largest global technology companies. At TOBB and Vodafone, we prepare SMEs for the digital world through Turkey Technology Meetings and Digital Transformation Movement. We want to improve e-commerce not only from company to consumer, but also from company to company. We also guide them together with our e-Commerce Industry Council, which represents the entire sector. In cooperation with Facebook and Habitat, we are setting up Facebook Stations in the provinces.


Thus, we provide our entrepreneurs with access to the resources, knowledge and skills they need to grow in the digital world, to be mobile, to organize events. At the same time, we support the opening of businesses in Turkey to global markets. With TOBB Young Entrepreneur Councils, which have become the largest organization in Turkey in its field, we are spreading the impact of the Stations all over Anatolia. We expect you to use these centers effectively.”


- We communicate the problems in the field to the Government


Noting that TOBB has taken on the task of acting as a bridge between the business and the government in this troubled pandemic period, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they quickly convey the problems in the field to the government.


Urging Young Entrepreneurs Council to meet with young entrepreneurs in their provinces, and to relay their problems to him, the TOBB President said, “We also look for solutions with the public administration. So today, we're going to put everything you're going to convey on our agenda. We will continue to follow up on them and relay it to the relevant places.” Hisarcıklıoğlu told members of the Young Entrepreneurs Council, “Make more use of KOSGEB and Development Agencies. Keep your cooperation warm with universities. Have a good dialogue with chamber and commodity exchange heads, mayors and governors. Improve dialogue and consultation among yourselves. Keep close relations with the upper committee, executive committee and provincial boards. Take advantage of video conferencing and hold your meetings there.


Use social media effectively and support each other. During pandemic, hold Provincial Councils more frequently. Consult these meetings and move the issues reported there to our Provincial Executive Councils by taking. Hold the meetings every month without disruption; communicate the demands, hardships, projects that you need to communicate to our Upper Council and to us. In addition, make sure to tell us about the projects that are well implemented in your province and region through our members of the Executive Council. Bring successful entrepreneurs together with our entrepreneurial candidates via videoconferences on entrepreneurship.”

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