“Kayseri Chamber of Commerce is an exemplary room in Kayseri in keeping their word”


26.10.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers of Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the opening ceremony of the Kayseri Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Center (KATOTAM) and Halls named after the Halls named after the late Hasan Ali Kilci and Mehmet Asaf Mehmetbeyoğlu, former Kayseri CC Presidents.

Hisarcıklıoğlu said at the ceremony, “Today is an emotional day for me. Because I have a very special history with both my presidents. In today's era, no one thinks about keeping their word much, but our Kayseri Chamber of Commerce if quite the opposite. Thank you for this,” he said.


“Hasan Ali Kilci was an elder of our community,” Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “After the 70's, we were together on many occasions and worked together in formative periods. May heaven be his abode. It was one of five chambers that supported my election as president in the TOBB election. At that time, there were chambers from Kayseri which did not support me as countrymen. He was very supportive of me that day. And then we worked close together. He has greatly contributed to the Turkish business world. I wish his family all the best. Mehmet Asaf Mehmetbeyoğlu was like a brother and confidant. Asaf's most important feature was his philanthropy, even though he was a businessman. He was someone who put everything in service of Kayseri. They are survived by their children. I hope their children will carry the flags they received from their fathers further. May heaven be their abode, and God absolve them of their sins, if any. Kayseri Chamber of Commerce is an exemplary chamber in Kayseri. They also named a hall after me. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.”


Noting that Kayseri Chamber of Commerce has implemented an important project, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “As you know, due to excessive file load, the slow functioning of the judicial system has always been the subject of complaints. You've all experienced it; the average case is two years, then another two years for appeals. Our government has made significant structural reforms here. It has led to the commissioning of alternative solutions. The mediation system has launched in our country. In fact, we, as a nation, are no strangers to this issue. Centuries ago, our country began to implement it. In Akhism, which forms the basis of our Chamber-Exchange Community, solved trade disputes with Akhis. Then we forgot about it, Europe took it from us and developed it. Thanks to our Minister of Justice; he has adopted this cause. Mediation was made mandatory, first in work-employer disputes, then in commercial cases. The use of the mediation system has increased day by day.


The number of files coming here has passed 1.5 million. And 70% of them concluded with a deal. Years of trials in the past ended in days and weeks. So access to justice has accelerated. It's also a win-win method. Because people have been freed from a waste of time and a long period of financial exhausting, and our judicial system has been freed from an important workload. Thus, the grievances decreased, the sense of justice was strengthened. Therefore, mediation contributed to social peace. We, as the Chamber-Exchange community, provide all kinds of support. We are making great efforts to make it widespread in the business world. In our chambers, we opened Mediation and Arbitration Centers. Here today, Kayseri Mediation and Arbitration Center is opened with this beautiful vision of Our Kayseri CC. Thus, our business world will have resolved its disputes, both faster and cheaper.”


Stating that the legal system is the main pillar of both the state and the economy, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “If the law is strong, people's trust in each other, institutions and the system increases. If a sense of justice and trust is strong in a country, then that country's economy is strong. In fact, in our culture and faith, the place of law is very important. We are a nation that believes that justice is at the core of property. That's why we need to keep the balance of justice. We must take every step necessary to make it work effectively, quickly and healthily. To the extent that we make our legal system healthier and better, our country and our economy become stronge.”


Kayseri Chamber of Commerce Chairman Ömer Gülsoy said, “We want to keep the name of our two former Presidents that we recently lost. Our former Presidents Hasan Ali Kilci and Mehmet Asaf Mehmetbeyoğlu have left us in the past months and at an early age. Since we believe that ingenuity is subject to compliments, we gave the name of these two former Presidents to the halls within our chamber by council decision. We must not forget about our presidents who contributed to the development of our city. That's how we view keeping our word. We will always keep the names of our presidents alive in our meeting halls. During his time in office, our two late presidents worked without the notion of overtime in the name of contributing to our city and our economic life as a requirement of the harmony culture that we have always praised.”


In addition to Hisarcıklıoğlu, Kayseri Governor Şehmus Günaydın, AK Party Deputy Chairman Mehmet Özhaseki, Türk-İş Chairman Ergün Atalay, AK Party Kayseri Deputies Taner Yıldız, Mustafa Elitaş, Kayseri Metropolitan Mayor Memduh Büyükkılıç, KTO President Ömer Gülsoy, district mayors and guests attended the opening ceremony of the halls.
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