Hisarcıklıoğlu met with Antalya CE Councillors


19.12.2020 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Antalya Commodity Exchange (ATB) Council meeting and met with ATB Board of Directors, Assembly Members, Members of Professional Committees and women and young entrepreneurs.

Hisarcıklıoğlu gave his speech for the 100th anniversary of the Antalya Commodity Exchange by celebrating its founding. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Antalya Commodity Exchange is a Commodity Exchange that the community is proud of and always refers to with the experience and dignity brought by its century of history, “I wholeheartedly congratulate the architects of all these achievements, especially the Board of Directors Chairman Ali Çandır, the Board of Directors and the Council, the members of the Commodity Exchange and those who have contributed so far. I wish this 100-year-old historical sycamore many years of success.”

Explaining that they carried out a quick study with Chambers and Commodity Exchanges from the first moment the outbreak began, TOBB President said, “We collected information from all provinces and sectors. My Chamber-Exchange Presidents in Antalya also interpreted your problems and forwarded your demands. May Allah be pleased with your efforts, especially our President of Ali Çandır. So with all this, we've prepared a 70-point set of recommendations. We presented it to our President in March. Most of this has come to life. Afterwards, we continued to work in coordination with our chambers and exchanges. We continued to communicate your requests to the Government. We'll put everything you're about to bring to our agenda. Tonight we will tell the relevant ministers in person and we will continue to follow up with the situation as it develops.”

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