Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey is 69 years old


07.02.2021 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) is celebrating its 69th anniversary. TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his statement, “We commemorate our founders and those who contributed with respect and gratitude. Allah bless all those who contributed, from the past to today. After 69 years, we continue to work for the same spirit, with the same enthusiasm, for Strong Turkey and Strong Economy."

Hisarcıklıoğlu noted that TOBB, which held its first General Assembly on February 6, 1952, when the establishment law came into force on March 15, 1950, actually came to life by completing elections on February 7, 1952; he commemorated the first Board of Directors comprised of Üzeyir Avunduk (Ankara Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Vehbi Koç (Ankara Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Feyzi Dural (Adana Chamber of Commerce and Industry), İzzet Akosman (Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Şükrü Kerimzade (Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Selahattin Sanver (Izmir Chamber of Commerce), Osman Kibar (Izmir Chamber of Industry), Haydar Dündar (Izmir Commodity Exchange) and Aziz Zeytinoğlu (Eskisehir Chamber of Commerce and Industry).

Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Uzeyir Avunduk was elected as President of the Board of Directors of TOBB, Şükrü Kerimzade was elected as the Vice President and Vehbi Koç was elected as the Board Treasurer of TOBB, which held its first meeting on February 7, 1952. We commemorate our founders and those who contributed with respect and gratitude. Allah bless all those who have contributed from the past to today.”

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