Collaboration from TOBB and Google for the digitization of small businesses


19.03.2021 Ankara

TOBB and Google have launched the “Google for Small Business” platform for the digitization of small businesses in Turkey. The platform will support businesses to maintain their presence in the digital world by strengthening them. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “This platform is an opportunity for small businesses to move their business to online,” while Google Turkey Country Director Mehmet Keteloğlu said that, “Under the new normal conditions, the way to compete is to turn to digital”.

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Google have collaborated to digitize small businesses. The “Google for Small Business” platform will help businesses build their presence on the internet as a fact of the digital economy, supporting and developing sales to their customers through different online channels. The platform, which aims to adapt and strengthen small businesses to the reality of the digital economy, which has come to the forefront during Covid-19, explains the necessary product and solution proposals step by step in a single point. The platform offers the products, tools and trainings which businesses need online for free.

- Hisarcıklıoğlu’s call to small businesses

Evaluating the 'Google for Small Business' platform, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that the way they do business has changed with the Covid-19 pandemic and emphasized that digitalization tools are at the heart of this change. Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as a result of urgent needs, many SMEs can benefit from the digital transformation tools they already know, “Now, together with Google, we are launching the Google for Small Business platform, which will guide small businesses to move them to digital, where Google's digital transformation tools are gathered under one roof. The most difficult process for small businesses during digital transformation is to have access to the right tools. With this platform that we have implemented with Google, we want to show small businesses the digital transformation tools that Google offers and we want to explain them step by step and enable them to use them in the right ways. With this project, I believe that many small businesses will make themselves more visible in the digital world and carry their processes to digital more easily.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said: “There are many solutions in the project both for businesses that have improved in digital transformation and for businesses that have not yet started their digital transformation. If you have a hardcopy, a digital copy is necessary. This project with Google is an opportunity for small businesses to take their business digital. Many solutions that will benefit small businesses are located under one roof. In this context, I invite all SMEs to benefit from this project.”

- Great support for small businesses from Google Turkey

Mehmet Keteloğlu, Country Director of Google Turkey, stated his views on 'Google for Small Business': “One of the most important insights we gained from our work with SMEs was the need for a practical guide that guides them step by step to move their business online. Announced as part of our collaboration with TOBB and offered free of charge to businesses, 'Google for Small Business' adds to the tools we offer as Google to facilitate the digitalization journey of SMEs.

Google Turkey Country Director Mehmet Keteloğlu stated that small businesses, which will play a vital role in the improvement of the economy all over the world, represent 99 percent of the enterprises in the EU and create 85 percent of the new employment. According to TURKSTAT's 2019 data, 3,221,000 SME-class enterprises operating in the industrial and service sectors in Turkey account for 99.8 percent of the total initiatives.”

Noting that while the number of consumers who started their product and service search journey online with Covid-19 is increasing day by day, it is critical for businesses to take part in the digital world fully and to be able to face customers in these searches, Keteloğlu said, “As Google Turkey, we are determined to support businesses in these journeys while the path to growth and competitiveness in their new normal conditions is to turn to digital.”

- What's on Google for Small Business?

70% of small businesses worldwide say they need help saving time while doing their jobs, and more than 65% say they are looking for easy-to-use tools to help them promote their business. In this respect, having an online presence is critical to business success today.

Google for Small Businesses, which businesses can benefit from free of charge, offers a “tailor-made” plan to help them stand out online, reach more customers, and work more efficiently by choosing the right Google tools.

The plan includes recommendations for first-time or more effective use of products such as Google My Business, YouTube, Google Ads, G Suite, Google Analytics, Grow My Store, Google Domains, Test My Site, and Market Finder.

Google for Small Business includes the Online Success Guide, which provides businesses with step-by-step information on how to move and develop their business to digital.

The site also offers tips on combating the Covid-19 pandemic, which presents many challenges, and a collection of marketing tools that support businesses to get new opportunities.

While it was primarily developed with the needs of small businesses in mind, Google for Small Businesses also has tools and resources that can be valuable to larger businesses.


Google for Small Business: https://smallbusiness.withgoogle.com/intl/tr_tr/#!/

Google Digital Turkey Platform: https://grow.google/intl/tr

Grow My Store: https://growmystore.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/tr_tr

Google My Business: https://www.google.com/intl/tr_tr/business

Digital Workshop: https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/dijitalatolye

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