Turkey – EU JCC members respond to US President Biden


26.04.2021 Ankara

HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, TESK, TÜRK-İŞ, TİSK, Turkey KAMU-SEN, TOBB and TZOB, which form the Turkish wing of the Turkey-European Union (EU) Joint Consultative Council (JCC), responded to the trumped up genocide statement in US President Joe Biden's message regarding the events of 1915.

The joint statement reads:

“We are trade unions and professional organizations representing Turkey's workers, farmers, employers, civil servants, tradesmen, merchants, industrialists and producers.

We unequivocally reject and condemn the statement made by the President of the United States regarding the so-called genocide on April 24, 2021.

We see this statement, which is not based on any scientific or legal basis, as a result of political populism.

We emphasize that the statements made by the President of the United States and those who have taken similar steps have no legal value and that they do not have the legal and scientific knowledge to make judgments on historical issues.

We hope that it will be recognized that this statement, which distorts historical facts, will yield no results other than to polarize the peoples and make it difficult to achieve peace and stability in the region.

We remind you that Turkey's proposal for the establishment of a Joint Historical Commission on that period in 2005 was not accepted by the Armenian side.

Historical facts cannot be falsified or altered according to the conjunctural political purposes or internal political interests of politicians.

Turkey has never shied away from confronting its history and will not be lectured by anyone, including the United States.

This statement will never be accepted in the conscience of our nation and will cause a difficult and deep wound in the alliance relationship between our countries.

The United States should correct this grave mistake, which serves no purpose other than to satisfy certain political circles, stop serving the agenda of these circles that seek to engender hostility from history, and support efforts to ensure that different nations live peacefully in the region.

On this occasion, we pay tribute to individuals of all nationalities and faiths who lost their lives before and during the First World War.

We remind and remember 58 of our citizens, including 31 diplomats and their family members, who were killed in despicable attacks by Armenian terrorist organizations.

Hak-İş Trade Union Confederation (HAK-İŞ)

Civil Servants Confederation (MEMUR-SEN)

Turkey Tradesmen and Craftsmen Confederation (TESK)

Turkey Trade Unions Confederation (TÜRK-İŞ)

Turkey Employers Unions Confederation (TİSK)

Turkey Public Servants Unions Confederation (Turkey KAMU-SEN)

Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

Union of Agricultural Chambers of Turkey (TZOB)”

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