May Eid al-Fitr bring health, happiness and peace


12.05.2021 Ankara

M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), stated in his Ramadan message that Ramadan was bittersweet for the Islamic world due to the Coronavirus pandemic again this year, and said, “We will experience the joy of Eid away from our loved ones again without visits and hugs. However, thanks to the measures taken, I believe that we will return to our jubilant holidays as soon as possible.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated in his message:

“For all of our health, we have spent this Ramadan away from our loved ones. In the same way, we will experience our festive enthusiasm in our homes.

This beautiful holiday, which comes after Ramadan, the sultan of 11 months, is a time of joy, unity and solidarity.

Distances should not prevent us from sharing beauty and brotherhood by reaching out to each other.

I wish for this pandemic to end as soon as possible and return to our old days and normal life.

On behalf of the Turkish business community, I hope that the Holy Eid al-Fitr will bring health, happiness and peace to our nation, the Islamic world and all mankind.”

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