TOBB ETU Honorary Doctorate presented to President Japarov of the Kyrgyz Republic


10.06.2021 Ankara

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadyr Japarov, was presented with a Honorary Doctorate from TOBB ETU at a ceremony held at TOBB Twin Towers. After the ceremony hosted by TOBB President and TOBB ETU Board of Trustees M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Turkish-Kyrgyz Business Forum was held.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the decision of the university senate to offer Japarov an honorary doctorate diploma was made, “Japarov honored us by accepting the title of Honorary Doctorate of TOBB ETU. I was also presented with the title of Honorary Doctorate by Manas University. I am proud to hold this title.”

Stating that Kyrgyzstan and Turkey are two sister countries that share grief and joy together, Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that Turkey immediately recognized the country by supporting Kyrgyzstan's independence.

“As Turkey's business community, we will always support our Kyrgyz brothers and sisters,” Hisarcıklıoğlu said, stressing that under Japarov's leadership, they believe Kyrgyzstan is looking forward to a stronger and more prosperous future.

Stating that TOBB ETU is one of the most preferred universities in Turkey, Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that the joint education program implemented by the university by launching a first in Turkey has become a model in industrial-university cooperation.

Hisarcıklıoğlu also said that they offer young entrepreneurs intellectual and financial opportunities to realize their ideas.

- “Turkey is among the top 4 countries investing the most in Kyrgyzstan”

Hisarcıklıoğlu also touched on the trade relations between the two countries and stated that around 500 Turkish-owned companies operate in various sectors in Kyrgyzstan.

Emphasizing that these companies provide employment to more than 5,000 Kyrgyz citizens, Hisarcıklıoğlu continued:

“Turkey is among the top 4 countries that invest the most in Kyrgyzstan. Our contractors have undertaken 75 projects worth $1 billion to date. With these projects, our companies supported Kyrgyzstan’s development move. As Turkey, we are undoubtedly proud of the investments of our companies here. I believe that we will achieve much more successful projects in the future. Our trade volume is now only half a billion dollars. I believe that we will increase this and reach the set goal of $2 billion. By joining hands between the two sister countries, we will further grow the economy of Kyrgyzstan.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Kyrgyzstan has serious resources for wind, solar and geothermal energy production, especially hydro-electricity, pointing out that the country has serious potential for industrialization in line with its mineral riches, especially textiles.

Stating that TOBB and Kyrgyzstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) also have deep-rooted relations, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We established the Turkish-Kyrgyz CCI to expand the scope of bilateral cooperation and deepen its content. In Turkey and Kyrgyzstan, we started to collect the problems and suggestions of the enterprises and relay them to our governments quickly. Thus, we made significant contributions to bilateral trade and investment relations.”

- “Turkey is among the top 6 countries in the world in foreign contracting and in tourism”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they implemented the Turkic CCI, of which Kyrgyzstan is also a founding member, with the vision of 6 states but one nation, and said that Kyrgyzstan and Turkey and Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan business worlds are joining forces.

Hisarcıklıoğlu expressed support for the reform efforts of the Kyrgyz CCI and welcomed the economic reforms that have brought the private sector to the forefront in Kyrgyzstan.

Noting that a strong Chamber system contributes greatly to the development of the private sector, Hisarcıklıoğlu concluded:

“Thanks to our private sector and entrepreneurial people, today we are among the main suppliers of textiles and apparel, automotive, home appliances, food and many more industrial products in Europe. We are among the top 6 countries in the world in foreign contracting and tourism. We are ready to share our knowledge and experience in all these areas and in the process of economic transformation that started in the 80s with our Kyrgyz brothers and sisters.”

- President Japarov of Kyrgyzstan: “Our blood and history are one”

Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov thanked Hisarcıklıoğlu and TOBB ETU for their hospitality, welcome and honorary doctorate title on behalf of the Kyrgyz people, adding that this was an occasion of great pride.

“We wish to strengthen cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, and I want to state that we will make every effort to do so,” Japarov said, noting that they cooperate with Turkey in all areas and economic cooperation is one of them.

“Our blood and history are one. We are Turkic-speaking peoples. I would like to state this with particular excitement,” he said.

Japarov expressed full belief that cooperation between the two countries will be strengthened during the period of globalization, and said that he thinks meeting with the executives of Turkey's leading companies gives Kyrgyz business people great confidence.

Stressing that he believes today's Kyrgyz-Turkish Business Forum will create new opportunities for business people of both countries, Japarov said, “There are many Turkish business people in Kyrgyzstan. Our door is always open to Turks. We are always ready to accept new investors and we will give all kinds of support to Turkish business people.”

Japarov stated that they are interested in Turks’ investments, new technologies and new management system for the development of his country's economy, and said that all conditions exist in his country for the creation of the necessary conditions for investors.

Japarov noted that they have taken two important steps since he took office as president, which is to protect investors and private property.

Japarov said that investors aim to work transparently to increase confidence in his country, “On April 11th this year, we adopted a new constitution. With the new constitution, we have secured the activities of investors. The Ministry of Investors was established on my orders. As president, I reassure business people who will come to invest in our country. I invite valuable Turkish business people to export to Kyrgyzstan and Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) member countries with high investment potential. I am sure that Turkish companies can use the potential of our country to export goods to the markets of our neighboring countries. I invite Turkish business people to make full use of Kyrgyzstan's investment potential. We invite you to Issyk-Kul Lake.”

- “I invite Turkish business people to the 10th session of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Intergovernmental Commission”

Almambet Shykmamatov, Minister of Investment Promotion and Protection of Kyrgyz Republic, said that they are trying to put in place mechanisms for increasing investments in Kyrgyzstan, “It is not enough for Turkish investors to come to Kyrgyzstan and talk about doing everything to improve their security, reducing bureaucracy. Therefore, I invite all Turkish business people to the 10th session of the Kyrgyz-Turkish Intergovernmental Commission, which will take place in Kyrgyzstan on July 9th.”

TOBB ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sarınay read Kyrgyzstan President Japarov's résumé and stated that it was unanimously accepted by the university senate to award him an honorary doctorate in international relations.

After the speeches, Japarov was presented with a diploma and robe. Then, to commemorate Japarov's awarding to an honorary doctorate, tree planting was carried out in the TOBB ETU forest via video conference.

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