TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu at Tavşanlı CCI


16.06.2021 Tavşanlı / Kütahya

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu visited the Tavşanlı Chamber of Commerce and Industry and met with the council members. The meeting saw consultations on Tavşanlı's economy and the difficulties facing the members.

In his speech, Hisarcıklıoğlu praised the administration and Davut Efe, President of the Tavşanlı and Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and said: “Tavşanlı is one of the largest districts of Kütahya and an important district. Allah has given you a great land, and there is no denying it. On the one hand, the spa, on the one hand, the lignite coal, and on the other hand, the leblebi, roasted chickpeas, in my hand, which you have acquired the geomarking for. Hopefully the next goal is to register the leblebi in Europe. We need qualified personnel to bring the industrialist here. In order for our brothers and sisters here to have qualified staff, it is necessary to take care of vocational high schools.”

Noting the vaccination efforts, Hisarciklıoğlu said, "Vaccination efforts have started and are progressing rapidly. Our friends who work with us are vaccinated when they apply. Last night, demand from Bağkur members was also expressed. We've passed this demand on, and hopefully they'll be answered. After vaccinations are over, hopefully we'll get back to normal. But here the services sector, the small businesspeople, suffered. Tourism is in trouble. The industrialist was one of those who profited from exports. Our friends who are food-based industry and food suppliers did not see any problems during this pandemic period. Apart from that, our brothers and sisters in the service sector, especially agriculture, and our small merchants suffered in this business. What we're saying to our government now is that those who are hurt in this business should be given grant support, not loans, so that at least we can afford to pay off the loans. But if we make money, we pay. I'm speaking specifically for those who have been harmed. Other than that, we don't have a request for those who got on fine. As TOBB, we provide Breath Credits to the extent that our government allows us, as it did last year.”

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