“We must be vaccinated to protect our loved ones”


18.08.2021 ANKARA

HAK-İŞ, MEMUR-SEN, TESK, TÜRK-İŞ, TİsK, Turkey KAMU-SEN, TOBB and TZOB, which make up the Turkish wing of the Turkey-European Union (EU) Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), called for vaccination against the coronavirus in a joint statement.

The joint statement reads:

“We are trade unions and professional organizations representing Turkey's workers, farmers, employers, civil servants, tradesmen, merchants, industrialists and producers.

Recently, the number of cases caused by coronavirus has reached an unsettling level again.

It could take a lot longer to stop the pandemic if we're not cautious.

Last year we were fighting against an unknown enemy.

We did not know the effects of the disease; we were acting with very limited information about treatment methods.

Thanks to the selfless work of scientists, treatment methods were developed.

The vaccine, the best hope of ending the pandemic, has come into play.

The introduction of vaccines is the biggest factor in the fight against the pandemic.

Taking precautions against the pandemic, being vaccinated is as much a social responsibility as it is an individual sensitivity.

Vaccination has become an essential necessity in order not to disrupt education, work and social life.

Because we have not yet achieved social immunity.

You can't achieve immunity without at least two doses of the vaccine.

The vast majority of our active cases and hospitalized patients are unvaccinated.

We don't want to go back to the days of lockdown.

Therefore, our first priority is for all our citizens to take precautions as responsible individuals and to fulfill their duty to society with vaccination.

We have to be vaccinated to protect our loved ones.

We invite our citizens over the age of 50 to get their 3rd dose vaccine as soon as possible and our citizens who have not received two doses of the vaccine to get their second vaccine.

Confederation of Rights Trade Unions (HAK-İŞ)

Confederation of Civil Servants' Unions (MEMUR-SEN)

Confederation of Tradesmen and Craftsmen of Turkey (TESK)

Confederation of Trade Unions of Turkey (TÜRK-İŞ)

Confederation of Employers' Unions of Turkey (TİSK)

Confederation of Public Employees' Unions of Turkey (Turkey KAMU-SEN)

Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

Union of Agricultural Chambers of Turkey (TZOB)”

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