“The most valuable real estate in the world is the screen of the smartphone”


15.09.2021 İstanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the most valuable real estate in the world is the mobile phone screen, “The important thing is to be able to take up a place in this valuable land. It used to be important to own a store and a grocery store on the busiest street. Now it is very important to be able to be on the mobile phone screen,” he said.

The Local Chains Meet (YZB) 2021 event, organized by the Turkish Federation of Retailers (TPF), brought together thousands of stakeholders from manufacturers to suppliers, retailers to companies providing services to the sector.

Hisarcıklıoğlu, speaking at the opening of the conference and fair, the largest conference and fair of the sector and organized under the theme of ‘future’ this year, said that the retail sector, which is the last leg of production, supply and logistics, is a very large organization where the value chain meets the customer.

Stating that the retail sector is the barometer of the country's economy and the employment factory, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that local retailers are on a very serious attack in this triple pillar of local, national and international chains.

Hisarcıklıoğlu noted that local retailers are increasing their share in the sector day by day and that it serves as an important bridge between producer and consumer and contributes significantly to the development of the economy.

Rifat Hisarciklıoğlu said that in the past, shopping was made from a single point, “There are now discount markets, national and local markets, grocery stores at gas stations, sales, Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, e-commerce sites and fast delivery companies.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that there are many alternatives and that local markets should find answers to the question of “how to diverge” within these alternatives. “You must find common solutions through common sense. I have some suggestions at this point. First of all, I'd like to ask you a question. What's the most valuable real estate in the world? Does anyone know? The most valuable land in the world is the screen of the smartphone. The important thing is to get a place in this precious land. It used to be important to own a store and a grocery store on the busiest street. Now it is very important to be able to be on the mobile phone screen. So how can we be on a mobile phone screen, the most valuable land in the world? Your company or product will either be a mobile app or you will be included in a mobile application developed. Mobile apps provide consumers with great convenience. Whether your company or product can be reached through mobile applications is very, very important in consumer preferences. It's the first condition.”

- Call for partnership and collaboration with local brands

Secondly, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu advised local retailers to partner and learn about the culture of joint action, “Thirdly, collaborate with local brands in provinces. Set up local manufacturer brands as your common stakeholder. Grow together. The fourth is invest in the branding of cities. Remember, cities, not countries, are competing today. Be part of the city's brand. Grow with the brand of the city. The fifth is don't paddle downstream. If we stop being lazy in every field, not just in retail, but in every sector, everything will be different.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu added that they expect demand for other sectors, especially retail, to increase as the economy, and especially the tourism sector, continues to recover.

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