“The higher education system is the most important link in the ‘educated manpower-job market-society’ chain”


30.09.2021 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Higher Education Council Meeting of Turkey was held in YÖK Conference Hall with the participation of TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Higher Education Council (YÖK) President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar and TOBB Turkish Higher Education Council President Bekir Okan.

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they are experiencing a period in which technology, innovation and digitalization have gained great speed with the pandemic, “At the heart of all of this is equipped people with the skills to keep up with the pace of technological developments, to quickly acquire new information and turn this information into added value. If we are going to compete in this lane, if we say that we are in the competition, we can only do this with equipped manpower and the higher education sector that can provide institutional and quality service to train these people.”

Emphasizing that the higher education system is the most important link in the 'educated manpower-job market-society' chain, Hisarcıklıoğlu said that foundation universities working with this awareness have become an important part of the higher education system with their physical conditions, modern campuses, visions, strong staff.

Hisarcıklıoğlu reminded that the responsibility of the state for the dissemination of higher education is shared by foundation universities. “A significant part of the public cost in this area has been undertaken by foundation universities. Our foundation universities, which have the status of public institutions, carry out these services with their own resources, thus contributing greatly to the country's economy without any resources from the state. Let's not forget that our country is in much better shape in terms of higher education than many European countries. In the number of successful universities offering international standards of education in Turkey, the multiplicity of foundation universities is another striking fact.”

Hisarciklıoğlu stated that there is great potential here, “Therefore, this potential needs to be better promoted. Ensuring that our country's universities are requested by foreign students is also of great importance for the long-term interests of our country.”

As TOBB, seeing the need in this field, Hisarcıklıoğlu explained that they established the Higher Education Council of Turkey in 2006 and that the Council acts as a bridge between foundation universities and the public sector, “Our Council, which closely follows sectoral developments, comprehensively addresses the needs and problems of the sector and develops solutions, in consultation with the public, and ensures their conclusion. Therefore, our Council is a common ground on which the demands of the private sector are evaluated together with the public sector and a platform where project and activity proposals are developed to encourage the development of the sector. On the other hand, we know that in the culture of YÖK, is always to make the decisions taken in cooperation with the sector. Therefore, I believe that our cooperation will continue to develop.”

Hisarciklıoğlu stated that they have entered a new process in the pandemic, “We see returning to face-to-face education as a correct and necessary step. I hope that he will never face such a catastrophe again, that education will not be interrupted again. We will be rid of every aspect of this pandemic as soon as possible. We all must take responsibility here. We need to take maximum measures, especially vaccination.”

- YÖK President Özvar

Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, President of the Higher Education Council (YÖK), stated that it is better understood that universities are an indispensable component of economic and social development today and explained how universities will contribute to economic and social developments.

Özvar said that the missions of universities in economic growth and development are to show the country's human capital and the capacity of the young population to qualify and the ways, procedures and capacities that will prevail in global economic competition.

Özvar stated that universities should increase scientific knowledge and expand their R&D and innovation activities in order to perform these functions, and that universities should ensure quality assurance in education in order to fulfill their missions.

Özvar also pointed out the importance of increasing scientific productivity by universities, employing and encouraging higher education staff, prioritizing investments that will improve university-industry cooperation, or giving positive discrimination to universities that prioritize them.

Emphasizing that they do not discriminate between state and foundation universities in the realization of these processes, Özvar said, “We do not discriminate between state and foundation universities in terms of education, university-industry cooperation, R&D and innovation. We don't consider such work separation is right.”

- “The deficiencies that occurred during the pandemic must be addressed”

Bekir Okan, president of the Turkey Higher Education Council, stated that the pandemic caused a breakdown all over the world and in Turkey, and reminded that schools had to be closed in the process.

Noting that universities are the most progressive, transformative force of a country, Okan stressed that in order for progress, change and transformation to continue, the deficiencies which occurred during the pandemic must be addressed.

Okan pointed out that they are aware of their responsibilities as foundation universities, adding that they will continue to contribute to the higher education of the country.

After the speeches, representatives of foundation universities conveyed their opinions and wishes and presented their assessments of the higher education system.

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