“With the lifting of pandemic restrictions, the economy began to revive”


08.10.2021 Erzincan

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Erzincan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Member Meeting.

In his speech, Hisarciklıoğlu stated that they started to return to normal life with vaccinations, “I would like to emphasize again on this occasion. Do not neglect to be vaccinated. Encourage your family and employees to complete the vaccination process. Let's not experience restrictions and closures again.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stressed that with the lifting of the pandemic restrictions, the economy began to revive, the industry caught up with the pre-pandemic and complaints began to come in about difficulty of finding employees.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that exports will be $220 billion by the end of the year. “‎The service sectors have not received enough support, so a full recovery has not yet been achieved. ‎ Trade and tourism are just recovering. In agriculture and livestock, high increases in input costs such as fuel, fertilizer, feed, etc. are causing trouble.”

Noting that they saw that food, agriculture and livestock were a strategic sector during the pandemic period, Hisarcıklıoğlu said: “First we must be a self-sufficient country. Then we have to earn revenue by exporting to our surrounding geography. Therefore, provinces like Erzincan are much more important now. We must support food, agriculture and livestock without neglect. I am pleased to follow that our Erzincan Chamber and Commodity Exchange acted with this vision. During the pandemic for the last year and a half, we worked with the Chamber and Commodity Exchange Presidents. By acting as a bridge between the business world and the government, we conveyed the problems on the ground to the public administration as quickly as possible. Solutions for most of the issues we have raised in the past have come to life and continue to do so.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they provide tax and premium deferrals, discounts, short-term work support, credit packages, income and rent subsidies.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated  that he is an interpreter for the members of Erzincan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Commodity Exchange, and that he took their pulse and conveyed the problems and solution proposals to the government. “‎They're both accredited, so 5-stars chamber and exchange.‎ Together, our Chamber and Commodity Exchange work to improve agriculture, livestock and related industry. Agriculture-Based Specialized Feed provides the establishment of organized industrial zone. With the Heifer Production Center you have reduced dependence on the outside. I also see your work in the field of social responsibility. As a city that is no stranger to disasters, you provide 1 million lira in cash support with 5 truckloads of relief supplies to the areas where the flooding occurred. Erzincan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Akyazı elementary school and fine arts high school workshop building and vocational education center, will provide lasting benefit. I would like to thank Erzincan CCI President Ahmet Tanoğlu, Erzincan TB President Nadir Akar, their administrations, boards and all their employees for all their great work which added value to Erzincan.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the problems are not over. “‎There are still problems with input costs, interest rates and exchange rates.‎ We follow them and relay them to the relevant offices. Despair is not becoming in an entrepreneur. We have overcome many difficulties and moved on. Hopefully, we'll put these troubles behind us. As I have done so far, I will give you all the support we are able to muster from Ankara, be your voice and continue to stand by you.”

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