Hisarcıklıoğlu urges SMEs to take their business digital


21.10.2021 Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Association of All Industrialists and Businessmen (TÜMSİAD) 4th International SME Summit via a video message.

Hisarciklıoğlu said in the video message that SMEs in particular should take their business digital.

Noting that the volume of e-commerce in Turkey increased by 75% in the first 6 months compared to the same period last year, Hisarcıklıoğlu noted:

“In the first half of last year, the proportion of e-commerce in general trade was 8 percent. Now it's up to 14 percent. After Covid-19, the orientation to this area will continue unabated. When we look at the world, we see that all fast-growing companies have chosen the e-commerce route. Therefore, we now have to digitize our products and services. The growing need for digitalization affects SMEs the most. SMEs that fail to realize their digital transformation are struggling to continue their commercial lives. As TOBB, we are implementing the Smart SME Platform from here.”

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