“TRNC economy must be able to stand on its own two feet”


05.11.2021 Girne / TRNC

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the opening of the Leadership Academy organized by Silifke Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Girne.

Speaking at the opening of the event, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu thanked the Silifke Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which organized the event.

Emphasizing that the TRNC economy must be able to stand on its own two feet, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “I think the existence of a strong private sector is very important for this. We have been working with the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce for a long time to develop the private sector. We have prepared a detailed report on the development of bilateral trade and investment opportunities. In addition, the Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum, which we established together, focused on the development of bilateral trade and investment relations. We have also been working together on improving the investment environment since 2011.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they support the TRNC's efforts to integrate with the world, and for this purpose, as the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, they keep the unfair embargoes imposed in every international environment they are involved in on the agenda.

Stating that Silifke CCı is one of the most established chambers in Turkey with a history of 113 years, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It has an international accredited certificate and thus has been registered as serving at world standards. With this leadership academy, our chamber has realized a first in Turkey and has demonstrated its vision. Here, experts and academicians have come together in many subjects from entrepreneurship, trade and development to personal development.”

Emphasizing that both the pandemic and the increasing economic difficulties are forcing everyone, TOBB President said, “The right leadership is needed most on such days. Our Chambers and Exchanges take on the main representation of the private sector in Turkey. Our Chamber and Commodity Exchange Presidents are seen as opinion leaders of their provinces and districts. His word is listened to, respected and followed. Our Chamber and Commodity Exchange Presidents, Councillors, are all elected to their positions, going through not one, but a number of elections. They take on this task to protect their rights and law by asking their opponents in the market for votes. Therefore, people pass on every problem to them, asking them for help. Therefore, it is necessary to manage this process in the best way and to lead these people correctly. This right job that our Silifke CCI does at the right time supports you in many areas where it is needed.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that thanks to the strong Chamber and Stock Exchange system, they closely followed the problems of their members during the pandemic, and that they communicate all the problems in the field with their suggestions to the relevant ministers and seek solutions, and they have received positive results in most of them.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that two other major transformations have emerged that they need to lead the private sector. In terms of bringing our companies to digital environment, both TOBB and Chambers-Exchanges have started to produce and implement projects. The Smart SME Platform, which we have opened within TOBB, aims to be the digital transformation base of SMEs. In addition, our Women Entrepreneurs Council works with the world's major technology companies and provides coding and e-commerce trainings to thousands of women entrepreneurs. For the healthy growth of e-commerce, we accredit e-commerce sites that meet the criteria we have set with the trust seal. On the other hand, we are closely watching the Green Transformation, another important issue on the agenda. Turkey ratified the Paris climate agreement last month, declaring 2053 the year of net zero carbon emissions. This was a necessary step because if we stay out of it, we may have to pay an additional carbon tax on our exports to the EU. It is estimated that from 2026 we will start paying €700 million in annual taxes. In iron and steel, aluminum, cement, energy and fertilizer, the tax per ton is assumed to be 50 euros. If we extend this to all sectors, the tax we have to pay to the EU could rise to about €2 billion. We can see the effect of this as a negative reflection on our competitiveness with the increase in the price of our exported goods. Turkey is an integral part of the EU economy. More than half of our exports go to developed markets. Given the composition of our export goods, it seems unlikely that we will find another market. Because such purchasing power and the broad market are not easy to find. In order for Turkish industry to maintain its ability to make technological leaps, we need to continue to take part in these markets. Therefore, Turkey needs to rethink the way it integrates into the EU economy and take steps to adapt to it.”

Noting that there is a new production and trade zone being reshaped on both sides of the Atlantic, Hisarciklıoğlu said, “If we are not afraid to comprehend what is changing, the Green Deal can be used for the transformation and development of our industry, as in the Customs Union. If we take the right step, our opportunities will expand. In short, like digital transformation, green reconciliation will change many of our habits. A new world will be created and we will try to take our place here. But not everyone will have the same ability and ability to transition to new. So it will be necessary to think and design how to increase the ability to adapt to this new world. The macro economy, labor markets and education system will also need to be renewed. Of course, it is not easy, but it can be done and it has to be done.”

Stating that the Green Deal has a comprehensive structural reform agenda, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Turkey needs a comprehensive and medium-term structural reform agenda. This structural reform agenda will cover all areas of our lives, from macroeconomic stability to tax reform, education reform to agricultural reform. We have never had such a big structural reform agenda. Because in the previous years, structural reform was aimed at returning to the previous balance. Now it's about transitioning to the new world and changing our way of life dramatically. Here, too, it falls to our Chambers and Exchanges to lead and guide our private sector. We started to work with both the public administration and our think tank TEPAV.”

Turkish Cypriot President Ersin Tatar expressed his happiness and honor that the Leadership Academy was held in the TRNC, and said, “We always consider ourselves an unbreakable part of Turkey. We've had more contacts lately. This is very important for the TRNC. We are being pushed into isolation within the European Union. We must be smart. We respect the Greek side. We have the right to sovereignty. They need to respect that. As TRNC, we have to increase our trade. I say it all the time. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a place of detachment from heaven. Our main development point should be tourism.”

Nurettin Kaynar, Silifke Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, gave information about the Leadership Academy and said, “Within the scope of the event, cooperation agreement was made with chambers and exchanges and academic knowledge and business world were provided. We are proud to meet you with the Leadership Academy and socio-cultural events. Our goal is to make our Silifke a brand city. The traditional Leadership Academy is very important to us in this regard. We will continue our work in this regard without interruption.”

In his speech, Silifke Mayor Sadık Altınok thanked the participants and informed Silifke's history, trade and economy.

- TRNC President Tatar receives TOBB delegation

After the meeting, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus President Ersin Tatar received TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the accompanying delegation. The reception saw an exchange of views on Turkey-TRNC economic and trade relations.

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