“Agriculture is one of our most important and strategic sectors”


06.11.2021 Kayseri

M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), attended the Kayseri Province Joint Chamber/Exchange Meeting held at Kayseri Commodity Exchange.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said he was honored to be present at this ceremony, which is a sign that the Kayseri Commodity Exchange has improved the quality of service to improve the agricultural sector.

Noting that agriculture is one of the most important and strategic sectors, Hisarciklıoğlu said, “Because agriculture is not like other areas. When everything is going well, its importance is ignored. But if there's no bread in the oven, then you realize how strategic it is. The true value of agriculture is understood only in absence. If we don't take precautions today, if we try to import everything because it's cheap, we'll be externally-dependent for food. Our food security is compromised.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the pandemic showed everyone how agriculture and livestock are a strategic sector, and that they experienced the importance of being a self-sufficient country followed by being able to provide for its region.

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they believe that they should never neglect the agricultural and livestock business, “As TOBB, together with our commodity exchanges, we carry out projects and efforts that will improve the agricultural sector. We convey your opinions, suggestions and problems to the political will and look for solutions. Especially in agriculture and livestock, we see that high increases in input costs such as fuel, fertilizer, feed, etc. cause trouble. We also say that the support provided should be at least at the level of increase in input costs.”

Stating that Kayseri Commodity Exchange has seen to it that every business that will add value to the city, every investment is pursued and brought to life, TOBB President said, “He started to establish the most modern livestock exchange and market place in Central Anatolia. With the support of the Development Agency, he prepared the R&D station project for meat products. With the food and soil laboratory launched, the product yield of our producers has increased. With its e-commerce site, it supported our local companies and our own products. In order to serve you better, it aims to establish the most comprehensive trading exchange campus in our country.”

- Other speakers

In 2021, Kayseri Commodity Exchange President Recep Bağlamış stated that they continue to produce and export as the Kayseri business world, “The importance of chambers and exchanges was clearly understood once again during the pandemic. Under the leadership of our President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, we have promptly carried out our efforts since the first day of the outbreak. The problems of our members were moved directly to our relevant Ministries, and then significant contributions were made in solving them.”

Despite the pandemic, Bağlamış said that in 2021, they continue to produce, work, export, find new markets and provide employment, making great sacrifices and not giving up even if they suffer losses as the Kayseri business community.

Kayseri Chamber of Commerce Chairman Ömer Gülsoy wished the meeting success. Kayseri Chamber of Industry Chairman Mehmet Büyüksimitci stressed that such consultation meetings are very valuable.

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