TOBB and Trendyol launch Products from the Region Program


09.11.2021 Ankara

“Products from the Region” Program was launched in cooperation with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Trendyol. Within the scope of the program, geomarked products registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority throughout Turkey will meet with consumers in Trendyol. It will contribute to the increase in the revenues of producers in Anatolia.

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Trendyol launched the Products from the Region Program, which includes thousands of geomarked products from all over Turkey. Geomarked products grown in Turkey and registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority will meet consumers at the Products Boutique from Trendyol Region. Supporting producers and local production in Anatolia by adopting Geomarked products with this program, Trendyol aims to strengthen local producers with its support for marketing, finance, operations and education.

- Boutique from Trendyol for local producers

To geomarked product vendors participating in the program, special commission discounts, advertising marketing support, special support in operational processes, e-commerce trainings with Trendyol Academy, shipping at corporate contracted prices and wide opportunities are offered through specially appointed e-commerce consultants. In addition, vendors participating in the program can benefit from the Trendyol SME Support package.

- TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu

M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), stated that as TOBB, they fully support the local product and geomark manufacturers and the commercialization of these products.

“Turkey has a wealth of products unique in the world. By gaining a permanent place in our lives, we consider our regional products that have reached today as our most important national values. Together with our Chambers and Exchanges, we continue to work to ensure that these values are registered and protected and passed on to future generations."

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the geomark on the products will increase added value and allow them to expand into new markets.

“We are in an age of increasing demand for the local goods. The geomark application also registers the quality standards of these domestic products and contributes to their commercialization. Since 1996, a total of 921 products have been registered with geomarks. 40% of geomarked products are the success of our Chambers and Exchanges in addition to the ones in the process of applying. Turkey has 7 registered geomarks with the European Union; 5 of them have been registered by our Chambers/Exchanges. We know that geomarked products make the region where they are produced a center of attraction. Opening up local products to larger markets also increases regional development and employment. We are launching a collaboration with Trendyol to create a new and fast marketing and distribution channel for our manufacturers. With the Products Program from TOBB and Trendyol Region, it will be possible to sell local and geomarked products all over Turkey. Our next step is to expand our cooperation to market these products to the world via the Internet. I invite all our SMEs to benefit from the commission discounts, mentoring, advertising and cargo support offered within the scope of the Products from the Region Program.”

- Trendyol Group President Çağlayan Çetin

“As Turkey's Trendyol, we attach importance to the future of geomarked products that are a reflection of our country and cultural values. With our Products from the Region Program, we bring together our geomarked products registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority, which create added value for our country, with all of Turkey. 98% of Trendyol's sellers are domestic companies. 72% of the products sold through our platform are produced in Turkey. After 14,000 sellers started working with Trendyol, they produced or produced a new product in Turkey. Anatolian provinces in particular are benefiting more and more from Trendyol. In 2020, 93% of our vendors outside the three major provinces, which reached 42,000, say they have reached new customer groups thanks to Trendyol. We also support sustainable regional development by bringing together SMEs and tradesmen outside the three major provinces with millions of customers in Turkey. However, we continue to support our local producers to overcome the difficult pandemic period. Millions of consumers in 81 provinces of Turkey can now access the geomarked products they need with a single click. In this way, we also contribute to sustainable development and increase the revenues of producers who are the real owners of the product.”

- Trendyol’s Products from Region Program with TOBB Cooperation

Benefits to be offered to local vendors who sell geomarked products which apply

Commission support

After the application date:

• sellers starting sales within 7 days: 40% commission discount for the first 1 month, 15% commission discount for the next 2 months

• sellers starting sales within 8-15 days: 30% commission discount for the first 1 month, 15% commission discount for the next 2 months

• Sellers who start selling in more than 15 days: 15% commission discount for the first 3 months

Advertising and marketing support

• Vendor ad balance of 500 TL

• Special support service via e-mail in operational processes

• Project-specific banner and boutique support

• Advertising and marketing support to be given to campaign boutiques to be done periodically

• Special label support that the products belong to the regional products project

Partner support

• Possibility to send cargo at Trendyol corporate contracted prices

• Special offer and service support from 180 partners for e-commerce adaptation

Education support

• Specially appointed e-commerce consultants

• Special e-commerce trainings with Trendyol Academy

You can apply to TOBB and Trendyol, Local Products Program with reference code 000-81-000 at https://partner.trendyol.com/onboarding/satici-formu.

Application deadline is December 31, 2021.

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